Chain, chain, chaaaaaaain.... chain of foooools!
I’ve never been big on April Fool’s Day. I don’t know… I guess I just don’t like surprises… at least not prank-like surprises. Good surprises – like news of Donna and Wes’s twins – are GREAT! As a newer teacher, I always worry when April Fool’s Day falls on a school day. I seriously worry about how I would react if some kids tried to prank me. It might not be so pretty…
Well, thinking about April Fool’s Day makes me think about the time-honored tradition of brutalizing a newly married bride and groom as they leave the reception for the honeymoon. (And it also makes me wonder… is this a Southern thing?!?) You know… flour, crickets, peanut butter, mustard, ants, saran wrap, pickles, worms, Vaseline, sardines… all that drama. (And before you even ask - yes, I have seen and/or heard of all of that being used before! Ick!!!) Anyway, I have always detested this practice. I think it’s because I am, like my Mama always says, so very, very “nice-nasty.” I hate to get messy when it’s not time to be messy.
Well, my brother-in-law and some of his good friends are alllllll about this whole tradition of “getting” the newlyweds of the group. This past Saturday, I attended Nikki’s wedding… and when I got home to my sister’s house for dinner, some of our mutual friends were there. Well these friends are part of said group that just loves to “get” the bride and groom. They asked me about the wedding, and somehow this topic came up. The comment was made – “You just wait, Carrie Beth. You will probably get it worse than any of us did!” (All of this just because I happen to be the “little sister” of the group who gets picked on… and the only single one left…) Well, that just flew all over me! I went off on this ten minute long tirade about how childish I think it is and how my sweet, simple little impending wedding would just have to be held in secret just to avoid the drama of the mess! Haha! (And by impending, I really mean non-existant-for-probably-a-good-ten-more-years-as-the-dating-pool-in-Baxley-really-sucks!)
I could totally get all melodramatic and tell you all about all of the wrong, or foolish, choices I’ve made in life. However, I try to forget them as much as possible! : ) I could also spend forever thinking about how my life has totally not turned out how I had planned and how sometimes I think I’ve got myself fooled… that I really never will have the “fairy tale” that I think is out there somewhere. However, I’m choosing not to. Instead I’ll leave y’all with another little funny…
Springtime makes me feel a little foolish. And by foolish I really mean footloose and fancy free! I’ve totally been bitten by the Spring/Summer bug now that Spring’s ACTUALLY here. And when I get Spring Fever, I get a little crazy. Err… foolish. Lately I’ve been thinking about motorcycles nonstop. They’ve always scared me a little. And I’ve always sworn that I would never get on one. (I fully expect riding on one to feel like how I feel when riding roller coasters which I totally hate! And I’m much too weak-stomached for all of that! Plus, they’re dangerous, right?) Lately it seems as if every time I’m on the road, I see like thirty seven motorcycles. They’re everywhere I turn. And I can’t get them out of my head! My students’ even had a writing warm-up this week that mentioned motorcycles several times. Crazy, huh? Since I can’t seem to get them out of my mind, I’ve actually found myself wanting to ride one! How crazy is that??? I can so picture myself on the back of a “hawg” – my luxurious locks billowing in the breeze as my arms encircle the waist of some hunky biker boy. Now that’s foolish… after all, helmets are required by law. And what’s sexy about helmet hair? Absolutely nothing…
Well, thinking about April Fool’s Day makes me think about the time-honored tradition of brutalizing a newly married bride and groom as they leave the reception for the honeymoon. (And it also makes me wonder… is this a Southern thing?!?) You know… flour, crickets, peanut butter, mustard, ants, saran wrap, pickles, worms, Vaseline, sardines… all that drama. (And before you even ask - yes, I have seen and/or heard of all of that being used before! Ick!!!) Anyway, I have always detested this practice. I think it’s because I am, like my Mama always says, so very, very “nice-nasty.” I hate to get messy when it’s not time to be messy.
Well, my brother-in-law and some of his good friends are alllllll about this whole tradition of “getting” the newlyweds of the group. This past Saturday, I attended Nikki’s wedding… and when I got home to my sister’s house for dinner, some of our mutual friends were there. Well these friends are part of said group that just loves to “get” the bride and groom. They asked me about the wedding, and somehow this topic came up. The comment was made – “You just wait, Carrie Beth. You will probably get it worse than any of us did!” (All of this just because I happen to be the “little sister” of the group who gets picked on… and the only single one left…) Well, that just flew all over me! I went off on this ten minute long tirade about how childish I think it is and how my sweet, simple little impending wedding would just have to be held in secret just to avoid the drama of the mess! Haha! (And by impending, I really mean non-existant-for-probably-a-good-ten-more-years-as-the-dating-pool-in-Baxley-really-sucks!)
I could totally get all melodramatic and tell you all about all of the wrong, or foolish, choices I’ve made in life. However, I try to forget them as much as possible! : ) I could also spend forever thinking about how my life has totally not turned out how I had planned and how sometimes I think I’ve got myself fooled… that I really never will have the “fairy tale” that I think is out there somewhere. However, I’m choosing not to. Instead I’ll leave y’all with another little funny…
Springtime makes me feel a little foolish. And by foolish I really mean footloose and fancy free! I’ve totally been bitten by the Spring/Summer bug now that Spring’s ACTUALLY here. And when I get Spring Fever, I get a little crazy. Err… foolish. Lately I’ve been thinking about motorcycles nonstop. They’ve always scared me a little. And I’ve always sworn that I would never get on one. (I fully expect riding on one to feel like how I feel when riding roller coasters which I totally hate! And I’m much too weak-stomached for all of that! Plus, they’re dangerous, right?) Lately it seems as if every time I’m on the road, I see like thirty seven motorcycles. They’re everywhere I turn. And I can’t get them out of my head! My students’ even had a writing warm-up this week that mentioned motorcycles several times. Crazy, huh? Since I can’t seem to get them out of my mind, I’ve actually found myself wanting to ride one! How crazy is that??? I can so picture myself on the back of a “hawg” – my luxurious locks billowing in the breeze as my arms encircle the waist of some hunky biker boy. Now that’s foolish… after all, helmets are required by law. And what’s sexy about helmet hair? Absolutely nothing…
Austin and I aren't sure how we got away with no pranks. We have some real jokers amongst our friends and family.
I could see you on a hawg. And if you grow your hair long enough then you can have your hair billowing under the helmet. Helmet hair isn't the unsexiest thing about riding a bike, getting bugs everywhere is the unsexiest thing. Don't open your mouth.
Nikki, at 10:23 PM
You know, when I was your age, I also wanted a motorcycle. However, something about having children made me question the safety of everything, so I had to move on. I say live it now before you get scared!
Mary Poppins, at 10:33 PM
Hey, we still have our Harley. Let us know next time you come into town, and Wes will take you for a ride on the Harley. It's kind of fun, but I don't enjoy open-faced helmets. The first time I rode from Valdosta to Moultrie with an open-faced helmet, it felt like my face was covered with spider webs when we got there--really weird.
Anyway, we'll probably sell the Harley since he rarely has time to ride anymore with his business doing so well. Just let us know when you're heading this way.
Donna Sewell, at 11:12 PM
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