Like previously stated, I'm not one for jumping on the bandwagon. That's why I really can't stand things like April Fool's Day or National Karaoke Week. Yes, that last one is this month. I guess I just don't like campy. Why do we have holidays every month? And I seriously heard a commercial a few years ago for Nation Bran Week. Why?!? I don't know where people come up with these things. It's all I can do to remember birthdays and Mother and Father's days. I guess it seems sort of silly that we have all of these holidays and April Fools is the most absurd.
I actually like the campy holidays: National Give Your Dog a Bath Day or Pet Rock Day. Now those are some holidays I can support, but April Fools' Day is too big. Is like St. Patrick's Day being relegated to the chance to pinch people. Seriously, you don't want to try that. I think I would hit someone before I realized it.
Valentine's Day is the only holiday I actually despise. And then there are holidays I adore, such as Easter, because they bring together my whole family. And I especially love our made-up holidays, such as candy-making day (second Saturday in December). Yep, I'm a bit of a sucker, except for Valentine's Day.
Donna Sewell, at 8:53 PM
I can get behind funny holidays! I'm going to have to look up those two you just mentioned. They sound great!
Darcy, at 10:22 PM
I think my birthday should be a holiday and it should last the whole week. Does that count as campy or fun?
Nikki, at 10:25 PM
Actually, Darcy, I made those up because I was too lazy to look up any, but there are some awesome ones!
Donna Sewell, at 11:13 PM
The we should start National Pet Rock Day. I think this country has gone on far too long without recognizes the significant cultural, political, and economical influences Pet Rocks have had on us. Who's with me?
Darcy, at 12:16 AM
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