I tried to post this last night, but the internet was not on my best friend list last night.
Planning a wedding has got to be the most stressful thing ever. Normally when I'm stressed out about something it only involves me. That paper that needs to be researched only affects my grade and maybe the professor's patience. That stack of essays that needs to be graded doesn't matter too much. Freshmen are usually ok with, "No sweetie, I haven't gotten around to those yet." Progress reports are coming up and they don't want that grade to go into their average. However, this wedding sets the tone for mine and Austin's future. If it's a complete disaster then everyone will shake their heads, tsk, and glare at me from lowered heads.
I'm getting a little fed up with everyone asking unimportant questions. Especially questions that do not involve them. Listed below are questions I'm really tired of and the answers I would like to give, but am too much of a chicken to.
"What are the groomsmen wearing?" - Are you a groomsman? Do you have to dress a groomsman? No? Then what does it matter to you? (Oddly, only one groomsman has asked me what he needs to wear...and it was his girlfriend asking for him.)
"Am I getting an invitation?" - Why don't you sit around the mailbox and see what happens?
"What flowers are you having?" - Seeing as how I can't name but maybe three flowers, roses, lillies, and tulips, then I'm sure if I had picked out flowers I couldn't tell you what they were. I only go by colors. And no I haven't picked them out yet. Not that it matters to you anyway.
"What do your shoes look like?" - Right now, invisible. I might be going barefoot. Will you wipe my feet for me when they get dirty?
"Have you got everything done?" - Yes. In fact I'm ready to get married in the next ten minutes because every bride always has everything done a month before the wedding. Can you be at the chapel in the next ten minutes?
I know that everyone is just trying to be nice and helpful, but when my three families, plus friends, plus Austin's two families, and his friends start asking questions, the same questions, it kinda gets old.
And I just realized today that we haven't applied for a marraige certificate nor have we bought wedding bands.
Planning a wedding has got to be the most stressful thing ever. Normally when I'm stressed out about something it only involves me. That paper that needs to be researched only affects my grade and maybe the professor's patience. That stack of essays that needs to be graded doesn't matter too much. Freshmen are usually ok with, "No sweetie, I haven't gotten around to those yet." Progress reports are coming up and they don't want that grade to go into their average. However, this wedding sets the tone for mine and Austin's future. If it's a complete disaster then everyone will shake their heads, tsk, and glare at me from lowered heads.
I'm getting a little fed up with everyone asking unimportant questions. Especially questions that do not involve them. Listed below are questions I'm really tired of and the answers I would like to give, but am too much of a chicken to.
"What are the groomsmen wearing?" - Are you a groomsman? Do you have to dress a groomsman? No? Then what does it matter to you? (Oddly, only one groomsman has asked me what he needs to wear...and it was his girlfriend asking for him.)
"Am I getting an invitation?" - Why don't you sit around the mailbox and see what happens?
"What flowers are you having?" - Seeing as how I can't name but maybe three flowers, roses, lillies, and tulips, then I'm sure if I had picked out flowers I couldn't tell you what they were. I only go by colors. And no I haven't picked them out yet. Not that it matters to you anyway.
"What do your shoes look like?" - Right now, invisible. I might be going barefoot. Will you wipe my feet for me when they get dirty?
"Have you got everything done?" - Yes. In fact I'm ready to get married in the next ten minutes because every bride always has everything done a month before the wedding. Can you be at the chapel in the next ten minutes?
I know that everyone is just trying to be nice and helpful, but when my three families, plus friends, plus Austin's two families, and his friends start asking questions, the same questions, it kinda gets old.
And I just realized today that we haven't applied for a marraige certificate nor have we bought wedding bands.
Ah, the stress of weddings . . . maybe I'm just being nostalgic, but I don't remember stressing about too much except that I couldn't have alcohol at the reception--not that it mattered since we spent the whole reception taking pictures. Grr. The next time I get married, I'm definitely taking all the pictures ahead of time so that I can see my friends after the wedding. You know, the wedding must have been more stressful than I remember because I couldn't WAIT to leave. You're right. Everyone has opinions and has no problems offering them without being solicited. I know they're trying to show that they care, but yeah, it's annoying. Good luck. Try to stay sane. Enjoy is as much as you can.
Donna Sewell, at 8:30 AM
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