Valentine's Day
Or Single's Awareness Day. That's how I refer to it. Have you noticed that there seems to be a plethora of romantic comedies/dramas that have hit the theaters of late? Leap Year, Dear John, and of course the aptly named Valentine's Day. And yes, I want to see them all. But since I have put myself on a food and financial diet, I refuse to go see them. In reality, I'm just bitter.
As someone who has never has a Valentine on Valentine's Day, I feel totally qualified to say that every day should be Valentine's Day. (Do you remember exchanging Valentines in school. What a cruel tradition that was!) Why should you wait for a holiday to profess your love to someone, especially in such a unoriginal way like buying a dozen overpriced roses which are going to die in a week? Why not wash my car? Cook me dinner? Leave me an e.e. cummings or Pablo Neruda poem in my backpack? Yes, Rebecca the cynic can be a hopeless romantic.
This Valentine's Day I will be headed back from Jekyll with Lindsi, Donna, and Shane after spending the weekend planning the 2010 ISI, and Gallagher will be in North Carolina with one of my students.
Sometime between now and then I need to get something for Lorelai. :)
I'm with you, eromler. Cook me dinner? Yes, do that occasionally, not just Feb. 14. Wash my car? Even better. Tonight, Wes chopped up onions for our pizza. I hate chopping onions. They make my eyes burn every single time, so his offer to chop those onions reminded me why we're a couple.
But I love being married to a man who doesn't get caught up in silly holidays. Yes, we have traditions, such as kickball on Thanksgiving Day, but they're not holidays that feel dictated to me.
I hope we're not silencing the people who love Valentine's Day. I absolutely love Easter, but it's because I hang out with my extended family that day.
Where are our romantics, our newlyweds? We're not hearing from a fairly large portion of our community.
Donna Sewell, at 8:24 PM
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Darcy, at 8:30 PM
Single's Awareness Day= S.A.D. Ok, I guess I'm a little cynical on both sides. I've been reading through all the posts and have been wondering, if so many people hate V Day, why is it so popular? I'm glad it's not just the non single people who dislike this day.
I've never had a Valentine either (I don't think my dad counts), so I know where you're coming from with that. I definitely think the little things add up to be far greater than one large expression.
Darcy, at 9:40 PM
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