Crazy Woman Bandwagon
Let me preface everything I write by stating that I am at Chick-fil-a, on kid’s night, trying to make sure my children don’t tear up anything. So, if I fail to write in complete sentences, that would be a partial explanation. Another explanation would be that I am now working two jobs, doing a maternity leave sub job and teaching an education class at ABAC. So, apparently I have jumped on the bandwagon of being a super-overachiever mom. What is that all about?? I feel like I have to be the best mom, teacher, friend, woman, Christian, etc., and I am falling short on so many occasions. I am driving myself absolutely crazy trying to overachieve, and here I am in Chick-fil-a, among all the mom’s and kids, and what am I doing, overachieving by trying to make sure that I fulfill my obligations to BWP. I feel a breakdown coming soon!!
Let me think back to some bandwagons I have jumped on. One funny bandwagon that I jumped on was when I was in high school and some people were just learning about being “gothic.” I tried to start wearing all black and wearing lots of crosses and stuff. Seriously, do I really look goth?? I was such a poser, but I thought it was cool. I also jumped on the bandwagon when all my friends started smoking. I thought I had to do it in order to be cool. I tried it for a little while but never got anything out of it, so I decided it wasn’t worth it.
One bandwagon that I have jumped on that I love is the BWP bandwagon. I used some of the techniques at ABAC, but I am using MUCH more now. Today I started teaching plot to my 9th grade students. I used children’s literature to introduce this, and they loved it. Later this week, I will teach characterization using children’s literature and play-dough. Thanks BWP for giving me so many wonderful ideas. I told a teacher today that I can’t possibly ignore and not use the wonderful resources I learned about at BWP. So, I’m on the BWP bandwagon, and I love it. It makes me the best teacher I have ever been and I thank all of you for contributing to that. So, I’m signing off now to watch my children draw on the windows. It is the “activity” of the night.
Let me think back to some bandwagons I have jumped on. One funny bandwagon that I jumped on was when I was in high school and some people were just learning about being “gothic.” I tried to start wearing all black and wearing lots of crosses and stuff. Seriously, do I really look goth?? I was such a poser, but I thought it was cool. I also jumped on the bandwagon when all my friends started smoking. I thought I had to do it in order to be cool. I tried it for a little while but never got anything out of it, so I decided it wasn’t worth it.
One bandwagon that I have jumped on that I love is the BWP bandwagon. I used some of the techniques at ABAC, but I am using MUCH more now. Today I started teaching plot to my 9th grade students. I used children’s literature to introduce this, and they loved it. Later this week, I will teach characterization using children’s literature and play-dough. Thanks BWP for giving me so many wonderful ideas. I told a teacher today that I can’t possibly ignore and not use the wonderful resources I learned about at BWP. So, I’m on the BWP bandwagon, and I love it. It makes me the best teacher I have ever been and I thank all of you for contributing to that. So, I’m signing off now to watch my children draw on the windows. It is the “activity” of the night.
I feel your pain! I'm in my own freak out mode tonight, but I'll share with you what one of my close friends tried (I say tried) to instill in me "It's ok to be mediocre." I had to accept this phrase when working on my Master's thesis last semester or I would have absolutely killed myself. So take some time to tell yourself that it's ok to be mediocre. Chances are, what's mediocre by your standards is someone else's overachievment. =)
Mrs. Dyess, at 6:38 PM
You as a goth? I would pay good money to see pictures!
You are AMAZING, Alison. Seriously. I'll be happy if I'm half as put together as you are when and if I ever have a kid.
eromler, at 7:03 PM
I use children's literature to introduce plot structure too. I considered dropping it after this semester and jumping straight into our first short story. But knowing you use reinforces my tactics and makes me feel like I know what I'm doing.
Nikki, at 7:42 PM
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Nikki, at 7:42 PM
Hmm,goth, huh? Hehe! Thanks for the BWp shout-out! And yes, it's okay to tell people no!
blindsi, at 10:21 AM
I have missed you. It's good to hear your voice on the blog because it minimizes distance between me and my BWP buddies.
It's nice to think of BWP as a bandwagon. It's a bandwagon I like to stay on as well. I use tons of strategies from the ISI in my classes.
I'm chuckling with Rebecca over the image of you as goth, a Mary Popping goth? Hmm . . .
Donna Sewell, at 9:02 AM
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