I'd love to write about bandwagons, but....
I'm in burnout mode and don't know what to do. I've lost my creative streak, spark, ember, whatever you call it, and I'm floundering. I am finding it harder and harder to come up with exciting and creative lessons in my classes. Now, for some other people, it may not be a big deal, but you, my BWP peeps, know how devastating this is! Today I spent 2.5 hours planning for a one hour social studies class. I have two other subjects to plan for as well! This can't keep happening!! I can't spend this amount of time on each of my classes or I'll go crazy. I wish there was some big book of lesson plans I could purchase or turn to, but I can't. I wish I had taught some of this material before, but I haven't. I wish I had about 2 weeks off to make up for my missing a Christmas Break, but I don't. I wish, I wish, I wish.
Sorry for sounding so whiny and pathetic, but feel free to jump on my bandwagon of complaining if you want or share some tips on how to recharge your creative self.
Sorry for sounding so whiny and pathetic, but feel free to jump on my bandwagon of complaining if you want or share some tips on how to recharge your creative self.
Girl, I feel your pain!! I'm teaching/subbing, and the regular teacher has left it to me to create wonderful learning focused lessons. This is the same class I taught last year, but they have revamped EVERYTHING, so I'm starting from scratch. I had two days to plan for this semester. Also, I'm trying to teach an education class that I've never taught before, and the other teacher says, "You are free to do whatever you want." Well crap, I don't want to do whatever right now, I want to do something, so just give me prepackaged lessons!! Okay, now I'm whining. Sorry, but know that I'm thinking about you. As you said, I'm sure your lessons are wonderful when you don't do nearly as much planning, so the ones you plan for 2.5 hours are absolutely over the top! Maybe we all need to learn how to relax a bit and take things day by day, but I know that isn't going to happen for me!
Mary Poppins, at 8:10 PM
Maybe you can contact Brian to ask for some ideas for social studies. I know that you're doing far better than you think, but sanity is a goal as well; that's harder to achieve when you want to teach well and circumstances interfere. Are there professional texts with ideas for gifted lesson plans? Is there a source such as read.think.write for social studies? I think it's time to email Brian from this summer.
Donna Sewell, at 8:58 AM
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