Things I carry - my babies
What do I not carry? I have this fear that I will be somewhere and not have something I need. I carry medical supplies that include Neosporin and a thermometer, feminine supplies, normal money stuff, every lipstick I own because I might change my mind some time during the day, a notepad for taking notes in a pinch, about 50 pens, because what if one runs out, Splenda, anti-bac wipes, anti-bac gel, hand lotion, gum, mints, phone, and I’m sure a lot more. I’ve always carried a huge diaper bag. I never know what the kids will need. A guy whose daughter stayed at my sitter’s house once said that he counts on people like me so that he doesn’t have to bring anything. Why can’t I be more like that? That would be just fabulous to carry one of those tiny purses. Even when I go to church and carry the church purse, knowing the big purse is in the car, I feel naked. In trying to plan our trip to Disney, I’m so stressed about how I will carry everything. I really don’t want to look like a Sherpa, but what if we need things. I know I’ll need diapers, wipes, sanitizing stuff, water, camera, phone, wallet, sunscreen, change of clothes for the kids, but what else will I need??? The stroller has a tiny compartment, so I or my husband will be carrying most of the stuff. What will we do when we get on a ride? I am at a loss, and it is totally stressing me out.
Something else I carry is my children. When Jeremiah was born, Abby-Kate was 2 ½ and weighed about 30 pounds. Because I had a C-section, the doctor told me not to pick up anything heavier than the baby. I asked him if he realized I have a 30 pound 2 year old who needs me to carry her?? Yes, I still carry her. This morning she tried to get me to carry her to the car, but thankfully I was able to decline due to carrying the food. I love to carry Jeremiah. He’s heavy, but he is a perfect fit for my hip. I know the day will come when neither of them want me to carry them, so I enjoy it so much now. When Abby-Kate wakes up to use the bathroom, she always wants me to carry her back to her bed. She weighs 40 pounds, and usually I’m suffering from sleepy muscles, so sometimes it is a strain to lift her, but that is what Mamas do. I can still remembering my mother carrying me to my room when I would fall asleep on the sofa. I want my babies to have those same memories.
Something else I carry is my children. When Jeremiah was born, Abby-Kate was 2 ½ and weighed about 30 pounds. Because I had a C-section, the doctor told me not to pick up anything heavier than the baby. I asked him if he realized I have a 30 pound 2 year old who needs me to carry her?? Yes, I still carry her. This morning she tried to get me to carry her to the car, but thankfully I was able to decline due to carrying the food. I love to carry Jeremiah. He’s heavy, but he is a perfect fit for my hip. I know the day will come when neither of them want me to carry them, so I enjoy it so much now. When Abby-Kate wakes up to use the bathroom, she always wants me to carry her back to her bed. She weighs 40 pounds, and usually I’m suffering from sleepy muscles, so sometimes it is a strain to lift her, but that is what Mamas do. I can still remembering my mother carrying me to my room when I would fall asleep on the sofa. I want my babies to have those same memories.
It's so weird how when you're a kid you always wanna walk by yourself. You think strollers are stupid. But when you are big enough to walk, you just wish like crazy they had strollers for grown ups! haha
Jennifer Swain, at 9:08 AM
I remember my Mama picking me up when she got home from work, and I think about how good that felt to me when I pick up Anna too.
As for Disney-it's okay if they get dirty, they and their clothes will wash. If it's something you need the Magic Kingdom will provide it at an exorbitant price, but it will be worth it to not have to carry everything with you. When we went to Germany I was determined to pack in one suitcase-and I did for all three of us. You will not possibly use everythig you imagine you need. No one ever does! And if you need it, you can go buy it! Sherpas have four legs, you only have two! Have fun!
blindsi, at 9:11 AM
What a lovely story. Funny but I don't really remember my mom carrying me many places. My dad used to carry me a lot of places.
I went to Disney world a year ago and I can assure you, like Lindsi did, that you can buy absolutely anything in the Magic Kingdom/Epcot/MGM/ wherever you go. It's worth paying $5 for a bandaid just to not have to carry it. :)
Darcy, at 9:19 AM
I remember my dad carrying me to bed when I'd fall asleep watching tv. I remember being way too big to be carried, but he'd still do it. Maybe that is why they started being stricter about bedtimes...he was tired of carrying me to bed.
Heidi, at 8:16 PM
I'm so glad I've gotten to know you better these past few weeks. I'm not surprised now when I read so much about your family because your life is centered around them. When you read your therapeutic freewrite this morning, I realized just why your focus is on them.
Jules, at 9:15 PM
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