Freewriting Topics (Help!)
Hi folks,
A quick request for help here: Lindsi, Rebecca, and I have a list of freewriting topics that we pull from, and we sometimes make up topics based on whatever is in the news that day or whatever we saw that morning, but we'd love to have new ideas for topics from you. We use them for the ISI and for Write Night.
I'll list some of what we have below, and maybe you can respond with some of your own favorites.
A quick request for help here: Lindsi, Rebecca, and I have a list of freewriting topics that we pull from, and we sometimes make up topics based on whatever is in the news that day or whatever we saw that morning, but we'd love to have new ideas for topics from you. We use them for the ISI and for Write Night.
I'll list some of what we have below, and maybe you can respond with some of your own favorites.
- Car chaos
- Vacation memories
- What was I/he/she thinking?
- Most people don't know . . .
- Addictions
- Tending one's garden
- Family stories
- Favorite movie lines (Last night I saw part of Jaws again: "We're gonna need a bigger boat!")
- Rainbows
- Dreams and nightmares
- Scary stories
- Where I'm from
- Discipline and punish
- School memories
- Favorite/worst teachers
- Passing notes
- Easter hats
- Competition
- Together and apart
- Pets
- Pet peeves
- Failures
- Band
- Scars
- Lunchroom ladies
- Santa Claus
- Fire!
- PTO or PTA
- Insomnia
- High society
- Unexplained noises
- Look, up in the sky!
- Poetry
- Stereotypes
- Clueless
- Monster Mash
- Intimidation
- Anticipation
- Clutter
- Championships
- Sleep
- Cat Scratch Fever
- Baby bumps
- Literary figures
- Author, author
- And it's gone!
I'm really curious to see what you can add. And I apologize for doing two posts this morning, but I didn't want to bury this one in my earlier post.
Lost Loves
That's all I have for now.
Mary Poppins, at 9:08 AM
I like the "random questions" on the blogger profile. You can click a box and ask it to pick again to get multiple ideas.
Jules, at 9:17 PM
Favorite quotes
The day time stood still
What happens when you mix______ and ______
bpd, at 10:23 PM
If I could do it all over again...
Road Trips
If I were President I would ...
My first car
Maybe this can help. I have enjoyed the topics so far!
The Man, at 9:00 AM
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