What ever happened to...
…Nano pets. I loved my nano baby! There was nothing better than changing a virtual crap diaper!
…Holly Hobby. I used to love the Holly Hobby dolls
…California Rasins. Hello. Hardee’s had them all! That’s why I had to go get cinnamon raisin biscuits everyday for like a year!
…Gerber baby dolls. I so had one!
…Baby Feel So Real. I loved this doll! She was heavy. When you squeezed her, you could feel the bones in her arms and legs and she even had a real soft spot in her head. When my brother and I were a little older, we decided to shoot her up with the BB gun. Turns out she and stretch Armstrong were filled with the same stuff.
…Stretch Armstrong.
…Quints dolls. They came in a pack of five. They were so tiny you could do nothing with them, but I had to have some!
…Holly Hobby. I used to love the Holly Hobby dolls
…California Rasins. Hello. Hardee’s had them all! That’s why I had to go get cinnamon raisin biscuits everyday for like a year!
…Gerber baby dolls. I so had one!
…Baby Feel So Real. I loved this doll! She was heavy. When you squeezed her, you could feel the bones in her arms and legs and she even had a real soft spot in her head. When my brother and I were a little older, we decided to shoot her up with the BB gun. Turns out she and stretch Armstrong were filled with the same stuff.
…Stretch Armstrong.
…Quints dolls. They came in a pack of five. They were so tiny you could do nothing with them, but I had to have some!
I used to have a nano baby too. We weren't allowed to have them at school so everyday I'd come home and it would be sick, hungry, and have a nasty diaper. Why did I want to take care of it?
I used to have a Polly Pocket... who only ever had her home. I lost all of her furnature.
I had a Cabage Patch Doll I loved too much.
Darcy, at 2:54 PM
Dude... I think I totally remember the Quints babies.
I'm totally disturbed that I don't remember Nano pets. I mean, that was totally something I would've been into. I can't believe I don't remember these...
And I had like every California Raisin figurine known to man. My uncle managed a Hardee's, so we got all the awesome toys! : )
What about Beanie Babies??? I had a blue million of those... regular size ones and the mini ones that were in McDonald's Happy Meals. Man, I bet they are still in my parents' attic... I shoulda sold those suckers at the height of the craze... I might have been rich!!!
Carrie Beth, at 3:14 PM
My favorites were Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake. I had a Rainbow Brite bag that I loved. I used to pretend I was going to school with it. I had a Strawberry Shortcake nightgown with matching granny hat and slippers. I loved that outfit! It was just so darn cute!
Heidi, at 8:21 PM
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