's whats for dinner
I cooked dinner last night. I didn’t really feel like cooking, but I came up with something easy because I knew that we were both hungry, and J doesn’t really like to go out to eat and I didn’t wanna eat something unhealthy. Well…I cooked some random quesadilla thing. No recipe. Just threw some stuff into the middle of tortillas. I used bell pepper, onion, tomato, cheese, black beans, and sour cream. It was pretty good. Jeremy takes several bites, assuring me the whole time that it was "soooooooooo good." Finally, he goes “what kind of meat is in this?” He had the most akward face when he said it too which is why I just started laughing out loud. I mean I almost had a Wes moment and spit my food out! “There IS no meat!” I told him. Then it was like he changed his mind and didn’t want it anymore, because it had no meat. I like meat, but I could probably live without it. What it up with men thinking that every meal has to be loaded with meat? He ended up eating all of his...and about half of mine, he made up for his brief moment of vegetarian food rejection. He made sure to tell my mom that I made a "DELICIOUS new recipe!"
My husband is the same way. The kids and I can eat a meatless meal and be quite happy, but he will immediately ask, "What meat are we having?" I'm not sure what the deal is with men and meat. Hmmm...
Mary Poppins, at 9:08 AM
It is a vital part of our existance. In the "How to be a man" handbook, page 324 it states "No man shall go longer than 4 hours without at least one serving of meat." Without meat there would be no men!
The Man, at 9:18 AM
This was so funny-just imagine having a teenage boy in the house. He's a meat-aholic. You have a great way of telling funny stories. I've never seen your fiancee, but I could practically see his face when he realized he was eating vegetarian.
wendyb, at 10:43 AM
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