Christmas Card Picture Day
Every year, we do “homemade” Christmas card pictures. This is always SOOOOO fun…or not. For some reason, my daddy feels the need to be really competitive with me on Christmas-card-picture-day. We have several battles over this day.
Battle number 1: when in the world are we going to find time in our schedules to do the pictures? With our schedules, it’s crazy trying to find a time that we can all have enough time to get together to get dressed and look halfway decent enough for a picture.
Battle number 3: where are we supposed to take these pictures? We live in the woods. Everything looks the same. We can stand anywhere in front of anything and have essentially the same background. But daddy always has the BEST idea for a NEW picture spot. Which brings me to the next battle…
Battle number 4: Daddy tries his hardest to make my blood pressure go up on Christmas card picture day! He ALWAYS has a better idea of how we should do everything. He thinks it would have looked better if we would have worn this color. He thinks if we would have waited until that time the lighting would be better. He thinks we should have gone to this spot for the pictures. We should post that way. And quite frankly, as the personal family photographer, his ideas are dumb. He acts like he doesn’t care at all about the whole picture thing. But when the day arrives, he suddenly has 300 opinions.
Battle number 5: I am the photographer, so we always look stupid carrying around the tripod in the yard. Then we look really stupid when I’m running from the camera to the shot and striking a pose all on 10 seconds.

Battle number 1: when in the world are we going to find time in our schedules to do the pictures? With our schedules, it’s crazy trying to find a time that we can all have enough time to get together to get dressed and look halfway decent enough for a picture.
Battle number 2: what to wear? We don’t wanna look super cheesy matchy, but we don’t want to clash either. People that don’t even see us during the year in real life are going to be seeing this picture. This picture is ALL they have to base us on. And let’s face it…I’m a brat sometimes. I’m usually the one that delegates what to wear. I’m picky about what looks “good” on me. I’m not going to wear a color that looks bad on me or something that makes me look like a cow!
Battle number 3: where are we supposed to take these pictures? We live in the woods. Everything looks the same. We can stand anywhere in front of anything and have essentially the same background. But daddy always has the BEST idea for a NEW picture spot. Which brings me to the next battle…
Battle number 4: Daddy tries his hardest to make my blood pressure go up on Christmas card picture day! He ALWAYS has a better idea of how we should do everything. He thinks it would have looked better if we would have worn this color. He thinks if we would have waited until that time the lighting would be better. He thinks we should have gone to this spot for the pictures. We should post that way. And quite frankly, as the personal family photographer, his ideas are dumb. He acts like he doesn’t care at all about the whole picture thing. But when the day arrives, he suddenly has 300 opinions.
Battle number 5: I am the photographer, so we always look stupid carrying around the tripod in the yard. Then we look really stupid when I’m running from the camera to the shot and striking a pose all on 10 seconds.
Last year I called daddy out. Right in the middle of a picture there is me with my eyes rolled back, my hand in the air, and my mouth wide open. I told him something along the lines of "stop trying to piss me off so I have a red face in the pictures." He informed me that he wasn't going to say anything to me for the rest of the day...I kinda liked it that way!
The best part of all is that Jeremy gets to be the new addition to the family Christmas card picture this year. I think I may just let Jeremy be the photographer and I’ll just hang out and make a stupid face for the picture…or maybe we’ll just detach and do our own Christmas card picture! : )
For your viewing pleasure...cheesy Christmas card pictures from 2006, 2007, and 2008.

I love that your dad and Ryan are both wearing red, and you and your mom are wearing black in the most recent picture! Too cute!
Carrie Beth, at 9:16 AM
My family does this too. Except we don't have anyone to take the picture. We usually have to set it up and time it. It doesn't end up very good!
ktatum, at 9:30 AM
I love your phrase "super cheesy matchy." I always shudder when I see pictures of families like that; it makes me think "Stepford."
Be sure to check out Wes's Christmas cards, which should still be on display at the studio today. He is me and Lorelai's official photographer.
eromler, at 10:23 AM
While we're talking about family photos, if you have not been to the following website, you should: Awkward Family Photos
Oh my gosh, funny and creepy and funny as in laugh out loud funny.
Donna Sewell, at 10:31 AM
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