Picture Day (Really)
As you might guess, with a nickname like Wendy the Whale picture day was never a happy one. Add to that charming moniker my mother’s rule against wearing make-up and my uncanny ability to contort my face into bizarre expressions at the very appearance of a camera and you have the formula for destroying a high-school social life. Since high school teachers did not escort students to the picture area, I would roam the halls a few minutes and return to class never having seen the photographer. When everyone else took pictures home to their parents, I deceived my parents by telling them I was absent on picture day, believable as I faked sick a lot to avoid PE. Eventually, I learned to apply and remove make-up at school out of reach of my protective mother. The weight stayed with me a few more years. Lucky for me or I would have missed out on all the clever jokes about the bus flipping over or earthquakes at school. Besides, the cheerleaders wouldn’t have anyone to torment if I lost weight any sooner. Now that I’m a mature adult, I politely decline to sit for the school photographer-it keeps my mug shot out of the yearbook. I do find some solace in the TV show “My Name is Earl.” He’s infamous for horrible photos of himself. If some screenwriter came up with that idea, then surely I am not alone in my photophobophobia (fear of having your picture taken).
You make me laugh! On the outside you seem so composed and perfect, as if you have been that way always. I'm glad to know there was some high school trauma behind that calm, cool exterior.
Mary Poppins, at 10:16 AM
To me, you're like Kristin and Alison. I can't imagine any of you looking flustered or unprofessional. You maintain such a calm persona, one that I'm sure soothes your students.
Donna Sewell, at 10:23 AM
I really didn't mean anything by my comment this morning...it was an honest-to-goodness compliment! I have actually looked at you before and thought about how my mom looked when I was sixteen. I PROMISE, my though was, "My mom was nowhere near that cool and stylish and HOT when I was sixteen!" :) I'm sure your pictures from your vacation will turn out awesome! I wish I had has much will power as you to not eat food!
Jennifer Swain, at 8:54 AM
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