Blackwater Writing Project

June 24, 2009

It’s been said I don’t really live in this world of reality; that I have created my own fantasy world where I am, well, perfect. In my world, everyone wants to be my friend and they are all jealous of me. Maybe not my thunder thighs, ridiculously small mouth, nonworking pancreas, or my incredibly pale freckled skin, but definitely my hair and maybe my personality. I like to think I’m the fun kind of quirky, even though my sister assures me I’m not. (As I am writing this, I am eating a homemade cinnamon roll by Monica. I may leave Austin for this cinnamon roll.) I also like to think I have that special aura about me that draws people in. Once, a guy in high school told me I had that special aura, but he notorious for smoking pot, so I don’t think it was a sound compliment. He probably saw auras around everyone. (Part of me wants to eat my other cinnamon roll, while the other part wants to save it for the last taste in my mouth to complete this breakfast.) In my world, people stare at me everywhere I go, wishing they could be me. I’m a movie star in this little fantasy world of mine, my own little reality show. The title should be, “Wishing I Were a Red-Head.” People could tune in every week and know what it’s like to walk around the world with gorgeous hair, because if I had my own reality show you can bet I would have someone fixing this rat’s nest every morning. After they hand wash it of course. In one of those sinks they have at the beauty shop. Wouldn’t that be nice? To get a scalp massage under warm water every morning? I wouldn’t need my morning coffee if that happened every morning. I would also probably be in a better mood, but what’s a reality show without some sort of breakdown every now and then? (That cinnamon roll is taunting me. Can you hear it through the lines of my writing?) Viewers would also get to watch me interact with my ninth graders, because, let’s face it, ninth graders are pretty frickin hilarious. (I can’t fight it anymore…I have to have the deliciousness of that cinnamon roll on my taste buds right now!)


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