Insomnia? What do you mean insomnia? You mean, there are people out there that can't sleep? Inconceivable!
My pretty little head hits the pillow, and within three minutes, it's lights out. I don't think I've ever had an insomniatic moment. I run my body so ragged most of the time, that when it's time to sleep - that's exactly what it does.
Now, that's not to say I haven't been awake all night before. For the past five+ years, I've been working as a night auditor at hotels (my Dad did too, one of the few things we have in common). Most of my life, I've been a job hopper. Usually fired in less than six months became sort of a mantra when starting a new job. I never meant to - it just sort of happened. For instance, I had a manager at Goody's (here in Valdosta) one time, and I'll change her name to protect the innocent. Terri, oh, sorry - her fake name is Janice, really seemed to like me from the git-go, I think she had dreams about my hard body. I had a conversation with her on my last day there. Terri was always an under-the-skinner and more arrogant than me (if you can believe that). Anyways, I got tired of her attitude, stood up, and bellowed for all to hear that "You think you all that and a side of fries don't you. Beotch, you ain't sh%#! I can put her through that wall (talking about the wall in here office)! For some reason she heard will. Needless to say, I've been banned from Goody's for all time. Then there was this time at JC Penny's, I don't remember the manager's name, or the jewelry manager's name, but they caused my demise in that oh, so illustrious place. I was the best jewelry worker they had. Only there six months and I outsold everybody else at that counter, including management. I could sell ocean-front property in Ohio if I had to. This was on top of all the busy work she gave me to keep me from reading. One night the store manager saw me reading and reported me to the jewelry manager. The next day I went to work, she called me into her office and told me I had to quit reading while at work. I agreed, it was my job on the line after all, but I told her on one condition - she must answer a question for me. "Why, if with all the work you give me, more than anyone else, and I still find time to read while out-selling everyone else, including you, can't I read?" That was a short day at work.
Something about working at a hotel appealed to me though. I was at work during the slowest time of the day. I'd bring my Playstation, XBOX, laptop, PSP, books, homework - you name it and I can do it. So in essence, I get paid to play? You bet baby! I guess that's why I love hotel work so much. Thankfully though, after five years, my last day is less than a month away. Now that the Mrs. and I have full-time professional jobs, there's plenty of money coming into the house, so now I no longer need to pull extra shifts to make ends meet.
Now, when not being tired out two nights a week, it used to be five, is when I'll probably start having insomnia. Oh well. Sometimes you have to have your cake before you can eat it I guess.
My pretty little head hits the pillow, and within three minutes, it's lights out. I don't think I've ever had an insomniatic moment. I run my body so ragged most of the time, that when it's time to sleep - that's exactly what it does.
Now, that's not to say I haven't been awake all night before. For the past five+ years, I've been working as a night auditor at hotels (my Dad did too, one of the few things we have in common). Most of my life, I've been a job hopper. Usually fired in less than six months became sort of a mantra when starting a new job. I never meant to - it just sort of happened. For instance, I had a manager at Goody's (here in Valdosta) one time, and I'll change her name to protect the innocent. Terri, oh, sorry - her fake name is Janice, really seemed to like me from the git-go, I think she had dreams about my hard body. I had a conversation with her on my last day there. Terri was always an under-the-skinner and more arrogant than me (if you can believe that). Anyways, I got tired of her attitude, stood up, and bellowed for all to hear that "You think you all that and a side of fries don't you. Beotch, you ain't sh%#! I can put her through that wall (talking about the wall in here office)! For some reason she heard will. Needless to say, I've been banned from Goody's for all time. Then there was this time at JC Penny's, I don't remember the manager's name, or the jewelry manager's name, but they caused my demise in that oh, so illustrious place. I was the best jewelry worker they had. Only there six months and I outsold everybody else at that counter, including management. I could sell ocean-front property in Ohio if I had to. This was on top of all the busy work she gave me to keep me from reading. One night the store manager saw me reading and reported me to the jewelry manager. The next day I went to work, she called me into her office and told me I had to quit reading while at work. I agreed, it was my job on the line after all, but I told her on one condition - she must answer a question for me. "Why, if with all the work you give me, more than anyone else, and I still find time to read while out-selling everyone else, including you, can't I read?" That was a short day at work.
Something about working at a hotel appealed to me though. I was at work during the slowest time of the day. I'd bring my Playstation, XBOX, laptop, PSP, books, homework - you name it and I can do it. So in essence, I get paid to play? You bet baby! I guess that's why I love hotel work so much. Thankfully though, after five years, my last day is less than a month away. Now that the Mrs. and I have full-time professional jobs, there's plenty of money coming into the house, so now I no longer need to pull extra shifts to make ends meet.
Now, when not being tired out two nights a week, it used to be five, is when I'll probably start having insomnia. Oh well. Sometimes you have to have your cake before you can eat it I guess.
I'm glad you'll be stopping the hotel work. I wondered how you were managing all that.
Donna Sewell, at 9:01 AM
So that is how you spell "beotch." I've always wondered. :)
eromler, at 9:18 AM
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