Guilty Pleasures
I'm only sharing one small tidbit here today, just one of my guilty pleasures.
I adore bad sci-fi movies. I’m never happier than when there’s a horrible sci-fi movie on. Like Frankenfish. It's probably my favorite. Or the one with the killer worms. Or the giant mosquitoes. There are actually several movies with giant mosquitoes and with killer fish. And I'm not talking about Jaws. I'm talking about the real killer fish, like mutant catfish.
And there are sooo many movies about killer snakes. I really enjoyed Boa v. Python. And this may fall in the same category, even though it was a top movie. Snakes on a Plane. It was such an awesome movie. They wanted to change the title of it to something bland like "Flight 514" or whatever. But you know what Samuel Jackson said? He said (and this is a line from the movie, too), "People, it's about mother-f***ing snakes on a mother-f***ing plane. That's what it has to be named." So they left the title the same. Think of how much the world would have lost if it had been given "Flight 514" instead of "Snakes on a Plane".
And of course, at the end of these films, there's always one baby of whatever has mutated, and it survives. It has to, so they can make a second movie about it.
I loved Mystery Science Theatre, because they understood the beauty of the bad sci-fi movie, and were able to make fun of it in an affectionate way.
Sometimes my kids will come in the room and say, “Mom, what are you watching?” And I’ll answer, “Oh, this is the one about the killer bunnies!” I just can’t understand why they don’t get as excited as I do over these classic films.
I adore bad sci-fi movies. I’m never happier than when there’s a horrible sci-fi movie on. Like Frankenfish. It's probably my favorite. Or the one with the killer worms. Or the giant mosquitoes. There are actually several movies with giant mosquitoes and with killer fish. And I'm not talking about Jaws. I'm talking about the real killer fish, like mutant catfish.
And there are sooo many movies about killer snakes. I really enjoyed Boa v. Python. And this may fall in the same category, even though it was a top movie. Snakes on a Plane. It was such an awesome movie. They wanted to change the title of it to something bland like "Flight 514" or whatever. But you know what Samuel Jackson said? He said (and this is a line from the movie, too), "People, it's about mother-f***ing snakes on a mother-f***ing plane. That's what it has to be named." So they left the title the same. Think of how much the world would have lost if it had been given "Flight 514" instead of "Snakes on a Plane".
And of course, at the end of these films, there's always one baby of whatever has mutated, and it survives. It has to, so they can make a second movie about it.
I loved Mystery Science Theatre, because they understood the beauty of the bad sci-fi movie, and were able to make fun of it in an affectionate way.
Sometimes my kids will come in the room and say, “Mom, what are you watching?” And I’ll answer, “Oh, this is the one about the killer bunnies!” I just can’t understand why they don’t get as excited as I do over these classic films.
I know what you mean - I soooo loved "Killer Clowns from Outer Space!" There's just something about trash. My wife loves love-story trash, and I love sci-fi horror trash.
Jeremy Tucker, at 6:30 PM
Remember the giant spiders? That movie scared me as a kid. Since then, I kind of like the nature gone wild movies, such as Piranha, The Swarm, Lake Placid. Give me a scary critter in a movie any day. Beats a scary critter in real life.
Donna Sewell, at 9:08 AM
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