Excerpt about Tomorrow
What if we did know what tomorrow would hold? Would we change things about today? Probably so. We would make wiser decisions, spend our time differently. In most cases, we’d probably try to influence the things we’d know were in our future.
What if we knew we’d be in a car accident? Wouldn’t we plan a different route? Or cancel the trip entirely?
What if we knew that a loved one would die? Wouldn’t we warn them? Or at least spend today with them?
What if we knew we’d win the lottery? Wouldn’t we go ahead and start making plans for trips and pick out a new car?
What if we knew there’d be another September 11? Would we try to warn the people even at the risk of seeming crazy? Or would we hide and watch, being grateful it wasn’t happening to us?
What if we knew a child would come to us and say, “Mom, I’m gay.” Would we go ahead and rage at that child? Would we start crying and railing at God?
What if we knew a baby would be conceived who would later be stillborn or have some defect? Would we go ahead with the conception? Would we choose to deny that life, however short or different it might be?
What if we knew we’d be named Teacher of the Year? Would we plan a celebration dinner? Would we start bragging right away?
I think I’m glad I don’t really know what tomorrow will bring.
I wouldn't want to know either. I like surprises, even if Davina doesn't. There's something spicier about life just because I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I think it helps me live in the now.
Besides, it's hard to be offensive about things that may come tomorrow . . . it's so much easier to be offensive about things today.
Jeremy Tucker, at 9:08 AM
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