Needing to know . . .
- why no matter how hard and how frantically I push the mute button on this laptop it shouts that it is turned on, attracting unwanted attention from Cindy Kay despite the bubble of protection I should have from her--where is Lynita when I need her?
- why the coffee runs out right when Lynita arrives
- how Adam continues to create flubs for the ISI despite not being here (grin)
- how Amanda lost so much weight
- when we'll plan the writing marathon (we now have the drivers)
- if anyone will lower the breakfast bar before Shane
- if I should take Lynita more coffee
- how early I can get to the beach Thursday night
- how late I can send Dad a Father's Day card and not be disinherited
- when I can talk or even think about not having kids without crying
- who will organize the t-shirt design and purchase this year
- what I'll put in the anthology this year
- how many brochures to order for next summer's ISI
- why everyone else types or writes quickly and seamlessly while I struggle for words this morning
- why Anna doesn't react well to cold medicine
- how Cindy Kay's adopted cat is doing
- what we'll do for Shari's demo
- which picture I'll use (I brought four) as part of her demo
I'd like to know . . .
- who will write the best poem this summer
- who will write the best memoir
- who will write the best teaching story
- whose grant will be funded
- who will write the best book review
- who will write the best legislative letter
- whose legislative letter will get a response
- whose poster presentation will best represent the work of the demo
- who will be the best responder
- who will do the best log
- who will post the best blog writing
- who will have the most memorable line
Hmm, I see an awards show developing for the ISI, perhaps as a post-ISI get-together? And the award for best quotation goes to _____________. And the award for most frequent use of inappropriate language goes to _____________. Actually, we could probably have our own Most Shocking show.
I sit silently, glancing around the room occasionally, wondering what others are writing, wondering where their words are taking them, envying them their journey, hoping to share the experience later.
Rebecca's head bobs to her music or her thoughts or both. Nick stares into his computer, sighs, and types sporadically. Lindsi dances a bit in her chair; I wonder if it's the food wiggle factor or a way of developing her thoughts. I want to try it, but she'll think I'm mocking her, and I would never want her to think that. Movement catches my eye, and I notice Rebecca's foot bouncing. I wonder what music she listens to and how it affects what she writes.
Tammy rakes her fingers through her hair, seemingly deep in thought as she studies her computer screen. Shane holds his head and adjusts his glasses as his thoughts slow. Where's his hat? Wouldn't he write better with it? Or maybe he's not interested in cool today. Today might be his day for deep, philosophical thoughts a la Jack Handey. (Isn't that the guy's name from Saturday Night Live?)
My chair scrapes against another chair as I slide forward, trying to find a more comfortable position for typing. The table is just a bit too tall for short me. Oh well, I guess I'll see if anyone else is on the blog and start responding.
Okay, here's another one: I'd like to know why I enter the only stall in the bathroom without toilet paper. Thanks for the help, Lindsi.
Donna Sewell, at 9:08 AM
I'd like to know why I received an email with the subject line "Gaining Weight?"
Donna Sewell, at 9:10 AM
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