Dangling from the tips of my fingers
My secret persona....hmmmm. I guess if I had to have one, it would be the outdoor adventurer type. Not necessarily the wild kingdom (regardless of what some might think...spiders truly ARE icky) but the hanging from the precipice type of guy. I have had the opportunity to do this on a few occasions, and the experience left me breathless. When you are hanging from your fingertips from a crack in a rock wall with nothing between you and the ground but a half a mile of thin air, you BETTER live moment by moment! (think the film "Vertical Limit", one of my favorites) As I grow older and more aware of my mortality (remember, almost taken out by a .025 ounce spider) the desire for living on the edge has waned, but not entirely. I catch a whiff of cold air in the fall, see a commercial for Miller High Life, or Busch (Head for the Rockies) and the old desires kick in. I guess now I would have to also watch out for Sasha Reed hiding bodies in the upper reaches of some secluded glacier, black ski suit and appropriate spy weapons at hand. (You're Welcome, Amy!) Anyhow,we will never grow old as long as we remember what was, what is, and what could one day be again!
I wouldn't be willing to climb without any support at all, but I think rock climbing would be really cool as long as I can't die. Not too much scares me. I haven't parachuted, but that's mostly because I'm cheap. I want to learn how to scuba dive. I'd love to take flying lessons. I really want to do into a shark cage and see great whites swimming freely. I start smiling just thinking about it. My problem is I'm too poor for most of that. Or rather it's not a huge priority for me. In high school I used to ask my dad to let me go up in the air with some of the crop dusters he knew, but he refused. He said they were crazy, and I was crazy for wanting to fly with them, but their acrobatics looked wild and free to me. So I understand the temptations you describe. I'm with you--as long as I have my safety rope, my shark cage, my parachute.
Donna Sewell, at 10:29 AM
Wow! The things we learn on the blog! Since I am afraid of heights, I am very impressed with your secret life.
kade, at 12:04 AM
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