Hot, Hot, Hot
Why is it that in the summer you can't even fathom the cold of the winter and in the winter you can't remember the extreem heat of the summer?
How in the world did I ever (or anyone) stand south Georgia in the summer WITHOUT air conditioning? Does the fact that we all have air conditioning somehow make us weaker in the face of the heat and that is why it seems so bad? Is it because we are making our bodies undergoing extreem temperature changes? Does going from a cool 74 or so to 115 compared to pre-air-coditioning when we just went from maybe 96 on the porch under the shade and fans to the 115 in full sun in the garden such an extreem it just feels worse to our bodies because it doesn't know what to accumate to?
I don't know. This is just the ranting of a teacher who wants to be able to stay out for recess and enjoy it without drenching my nice clothes and smelling sweating kids when we come back in to the room. Really, it is pretty sad when the students come up to the teacher asking to go back into the classroom.
Oh, by the way. Speaking of my students... I've changed the way I'm doing journal writing in my room. This year I have taken an idea from Blackwater and we have a timed journal writing when the only rule is that you have to keep writing and everyone writes - even the teachers or any guests in the room. We even have a "Guest Journal" just in case someone walks in. They love it! I have never had the respnse to journal writing that I've had this year. Even my couple of students who were reluctant and hard to get going the first couple of weeks of school are now writing! I've shared with my team (the veteran teachers included) and they have started doing this also - they also are loving it and are seeing the same results. Thank you!!!
How in the world did I ever (or anyone) stand south Georgia in the summer WITHOUT air conditioning? Does the fact that we all have air conditioning somehow make us weaker in the face of the heat and that is why it seems so bad? Is it because we are making our bodies undergoing extreem temperature changes? Does going from a cool 74 or so to 115 compared to pre-air-coditioning when we just went from maybe 96 on the porch under the shade and fans to the 115 in full sun in the garden such an extreem it just feels worse to our bodies because it doesn't know what to accumate to?
I don't know. This is just the ranting of a teacher who wants to be able to stay out for recess and enjoy it without drenching my nice clothes and smelling sweating kids when we come back in to the room. Really, it is pretty sad when the students come up to the teacher asking to go back into the classroom.
Oh, by the way. Speaking of my students... I've changed the way I'm doing journal writing in my room. This year I have taken an idea from Blackwater and we have a timed journal writing when the only rule is that you have to keep writing and everyone writes - even the teachers or any guests in the room. We even have a "Guest Journal" just in case someone walks in. They love it! I have never had the respnse to journal writing that I've had this year. Even my couple of students who were reluctant and hard to get going the first couple of weeks of school are now writing! I've shared with my team (the veteran teachers included) and they have started doing this also - they also are loving it and are seeing the same results. Thank you!!!
My own kids don't even want to go outside. They sit around watching cartoons. I think I will die if I have to watch another episode of Baby Looney Toons! The journal writing sound great!
kade, at 8:44 AM
We've talked before about having a most embarrassing moments party, at which I would bring my poster-sized black and white photo of myself in my cheerleading outfit. First, though, let me say, I didn't order the picture. My mom did. She thought it would be a great decoration for my room. I had it nicely stored in my parents' attic until they decided to move and brought my stuff to me. Wes keeps threatening to hang it in the house. Right now, I've got it stashed under the bed. Still, a most embarrassing moments party would be really fun, huh?
Donna Sewell, at 3:34 PM
I LOVE the guest journal idea. We need to do that next year in the project.
Donna Sewell, at 3:35 PM
Sasha- we so have to e-mail each other.
eromler, at 6:01 PM
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