Blackwater Writing Project

October 13, 2010

Funny that I wrote about something similar today in my ABAC class. In my 9th grade English class today, I saw a boy who is dating another student in the class (female) start to act very ugly to her. She looked up at me, quite embarrassed. My mother in me wanted to snatch him up, but the teacher in me realized that wasn’t best course of action. So, I did the next best thing. I asked one of her friends to talk some sense in to her. Why do these girls think they have to take that kind of treatment? I will admit that when I was in high school, I was in an abusive relationship; however, I learned so much and wish I could share that will all teenage girls. I have endured my share of abusive relationships, and at some point, I will write a book about it, but right now, I simply want to rant about inappropriate behavior.

What about cursing?? I know the occasional word isn’t that big deal, and as shocking as it is, I do curse given the right circumstances. However, one of my ABAC students cursed today in class. I was shocked because I felt that this is an unwritten rule “no cursing in class” but apparently I am wrong. On another day, a student, not mine, used the f-word in the elevator. When I jokingly said “Whoa there. Let’s watch the f-bomb,” she acted like I had four heads. When did the abnormal become normal???

I’m not a prude, but I simply believe in common courtesy and I don’t believe those show common courtesy at all. When watching TV or listening to music, I can choose to turn the station. However, when trapped in an elevator, I can’t, so why can’t people be respectful of others?

On to another inappropriate subject. Why do high school boys try to hug their teachers??? When did this start? I find myself telling way too many boys that I don’t hug students. I guess I will have to add that to my syllabus, “Don’t try to touch the teacher in any way.” Hello?? What the heck?I just remembered another. So, a few months ago, I was at a movie night outside with my kids and lots of other families. One of my daughter’s best friends and her family was there. As we are all sitting and watching the movie, the dad comes by and rubs cold drink cans on me. I thought that a little inappropriate. So, just recently, same family is at school, and we are all participating in PE Fitness day at the school. One of the games was “cleaning house” but it was really old-school dodge ball, with softer balls. As we are all throwing balls, I get hit in the head with a ball. I look up, and the same dad is laughing hysterically. Are we six again? Dude, you are married. Get a clue. He obviously has no understanding of inappropriate behavior.

Well, I guess that sums up my current rants. I know I could go on for days, but I don’t want to foster my already Mary Poppinish image too far. Love to all!


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