October 2010 Write Night
This month's Write Night topic is Inappropriate Behavior. Maybe you want to describe behavior that you've seen recently that seemed out of whack (like the sixteen-year-old I saw in the hospital sucking her thumb) or to discuss what should be appropriate versus inappropriate. Or maybe you just want to make fun of the way people behave or narrate your most recent experience with poor customer service . . . whatever works for you.
Or you can ignore the topic altogether and write whatever you want.
Just on a side note, I may not write tonight (depends on how the feeding and sleeping schedule goes), but I'll definitely log in later this week and join the discussion. And please remember to think of Write Night more as Write Week. Join us when you can.
Or you can ignore the topic altogether and write whatever you want.
Just on a side note, I may not write tonight (depends on how the feeding and sleeping schedule goes), but I'll definitely log in later this week and join the discussion. And please remember to think of Write Night more as Write Week. Join us when you can.
At least she was only sucking her thumb and not some guy's face, which is what I see everyday.
Nikki, at 10:03 PM
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