I think I'm fallin' for you... or not.
So the first thing that came to my mind when I read the topic for tonight was that icky, sticky, oh-too-bubbly-sweet Colbie Caillat song "Fallin' for You." I'm not gonna lie... when it comes on the radio, I sing along. But it's still kinda lame. : ) So, now I'm not only singing the song in my head, I'm thinking about relationships. Double lame.
I'm mostly content with being single. Ok, maybe not completely. But even still, I haven't really been spending too much time thinking about my singleness lately. Until school started back last week. (Yes, I know it's September. No, it's not a typo. Our school system has adopted a 160-school-day calendar. Sweet!) All of the sudden, all my teacher friends are pointing out single men, waggling their eyebrows at me, and whispering behind gradebooks and giggling like schoolgirls. It's crazy. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and be real honest. The dating pool in Baxley is more like a dating puddle... very shallow and kinda muddy. I might just be single for a really long while. There's just not much to work with here. I only know a handful of single men, and despite others' attempts to provide some Holy Spirit "nudging," nothing's happened. Of course I'm a woman. And of course we tend to over-analyze everything. So OF COURSE I've chalked up these failed attempts at matchmaking as A) "It's just not the right time," B) "They're just confirmed bachelors... totally set in their ways and not looking," and/or C) "I'm just not their type."
Yesterday I was "babysitting" the library while our Media Specialist was out. (Yes, I'm still subbing. No, I'm not thrilled about it. Yes, It's a blessing/foot-in-the-door/a job. I know the drill. And I really am thankful. But year 2 of not teaching is making it a little bit harder to think positively.) Anyway, I was shelving some books during a lull, and a book caught my eye. I don't care what anyone says about 'not judging a book by it's cover.' It's the book's cover that drew my attention. Super shiny laminated book jacket... hot pink and lime green! Yes, please! I stopped to look at it. You'll never guess. Wait for it, wait for it... the NY Times Bestseller (Ha!) "He's Just Not That Into You." Oh the irony. I pick it up, start to read, and am laughing hysterically. It's a hoot!
Soooo... these women who wrote in for this book (or the examples the authors created... whatever) are ridiculously crazy.
You want to know if it's ok to call a guy because there was a blackout and during the insanity you forgot to exchange numbers? Hello?!?!?! He didn't ask for it. You work for the same company. He can look you up in the company database IF he wants to contact you. He's just not that into you.
What do you mean he suddenly dropped off the face of the Earth two weeks ago and you haven't heard back from him? Noooo... that does not mean his grandmother/aunt/godmother/sister died and he's distraught. He's just not that into you.
So the guy you "love" is yelling at you and easily angered because he's in med school? Ummm.... no, the "real guy" you fell in love with's not going to come back. Yes, he's a prick. Yes, I know you always wanted to marry a doctor. Face it... he's just not that into you.
And so forth and so on. Some of these women make me want to die. They're totally ruining our name. I mean, seriously? Get a clue. However... there are several of these scenarios that made me stop and think. Holy cow. I'm one of those crazy women... sometimes. Yep, one of those. Grrrr. Lesson learned? I am amazing, I deserve a great guy, and most importantly - if a guy's into me, he'll move heaven and earth to make it happen. : )
As for that dating puddle? I'm just gonna go ahead and throw it out there... they're just not that into me.
Colbie Callait warms my heart. She is completely lame, but I love her. She's really good with wine and an empty house.
I LOVE the "dating puddle" image. Freakin' hilarious.
Have you seen the movie based on the book? Too cute.
Nikki, at 10:10 PM
Yeah, I own it. That's sad, isn't it? It is really, really cute. And I'm SUCH a sucker for a romantic comedy. My favorite line... "You're my exception." VOMIT... but oh so sweet.
You know Baxley because you know Hazlehurst. I knew you would appreciate the "puddle." Haha!
Carrie Beth, at 10:19 PM
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