Things I Carry
Safety pins that I bought in Washington D.C.- On my way to meet with Rep. Marshall, I realized that I might have a wardrobe malfunction, so I had to buy safety pins at the Washington Court. I still have a few left after rescuing eighth graders throughout the year.
Kleenex-I added this to my arsenal after I laughed and cried during Sunday morning song selection a few weeks ago. Luckily, I haven’t had to open them, but I figure that they may come in handy in a week when I'm in the Holocaust Seminar.
Bath and Body Works Hand Sanitizer- I have the teeny tiny size because I don’t like having to take it out of my purse when I fly.
A camera- Usually my camera is in my purse, but right now it’s in my computer bag because of the ISI. I got my camera for my birthday last year because I wanted a camera that I could travel with. I have a camera that I love that requires film, but there’s nothing worse than going on a trip, taking picture, and returning home to discover that your picture with the Naked Cowboy didn’t come out. (True Story.) So, Naked Cowboy, be on the lookout. I’m coming for you!
“Junior,” my iPod- Junior is with me at all times. If he is not, I am totally lost. I experience serious withdrawal. On the plus side, now that I have an iPhone, I can download music to it and then if I am every caught without Junior, I will still have music (albeit, no headphones). It’s hard to remember what life was like without Junior. Junior was preceded by Hans. Hans died last year on 6/6/08. Oh, how I tried to revive Hans. I tried putting him in the refrigerator then the freezer. He valiantly tried to come back to life, but his will to play was overruled by the sound jack gods. I called the Apple Store hoping that this was not the end of my friend. But alas my options were to replace him or to send him to be fixed for about the price of a new one. So, I said goodbye to Hans, thanked him for all of the good times and things that he helped me through, and gently placed him in his little black box.
You are far more prepared than I'll ever be. At least it's because you're a mom (Lorelie counts).
It's really irritating when you've taken a great photo only to find the film was defective. That happened one year I was in Mexico. We went swimming with sting rays, and I got a really cool photo holding one. The film screwed up and now we don't have the photo.
I love that you name your posessions. Junior, Hank, Taylor... I had a friend who named her pillow Mr. P.
Darcy, at 8:38 AM
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