Things I carry...
I always carry chapstick. I can’t stand for my lips to get dry and cracked, and I need to be able to reapply at any point. I’ve actually gotten my husband in the habit of carrying chapstick too. I don’t like scratchy sandpaper kisses, so he appeases me and keeps his lips moist and kissably soft. Ok, enough mushy stuff.
In my car, I carry about 3 or 4 umbrellas because I’m constantly forgetting to put them back in the car after using them, so I over-compensate.
I carry tension with me. My neck holds my tension. It doesn’t help that I’m usually reading or writing something. Even on good days, my neck has little pains. My mom says it’s because I’m getting old and I don’t eat right or exercise enough. I’m determined to get back into a routine after BWP ends. Either way, I don’t feel too bad because I’m supposed to be gaining some weight right now.
There is always a to-do list in my head, and sometimes on a piece of paper in my purse. I am always trying to keep up with so much that I am paranoid I’ve forgotten something if I don’t check my list.
I don’t carry a lot of heavy stuff lately. Laundry baskets are the only item I carry on a regular basis, and since I’m the only human in the house right now, the baskets stay pretty light. You know, I’ve always hated that doorways are barely wide enough for a laundry basket to fit through. It is just wide enough to scrape your hands. It’s been like this in every place I’ve lived. I figure it just can’t be me, it’s the poor design. I usually have too much laundry to buy those cute little round baskets. Those are for little kids to play in. (At least that’s what we did when I was little)
I carry my heart on my sleeve…everyone in this class already knows that. I can’t hide my emotions, and it’s not just because I’m pregnant. I remember being so embarrassed in 5th grade because I balled like a baby at the end of All Dogs Go To Heaven. I don’t even remember the ending, but I haven’t watched it since fearing another waterworks display. It’s funny, my parents were never overly emotional people. I think I remember seeing my mom cry a few times, more out of frustration than anything. She wasn’t the type to cry at sad movies. I on the other hand, cried at the inspiring ending of Cool Runnings. You know the Jamaican bobsled team that carried their bobsled over the finish line at the Olympics. Actually, just about any medal ceremony at the Olympics can get me a little choked up. I know, I’m a big cheeseball, but that’s me! I dread any customer service agent that tries to cross me. I am polite, professional, and determined. I don’t care how many times I get “cut off” I will call back and make sure everything is taken care of, or I will move up the line of supervisors. If I don’t get satisfaction from corporate, it’s hello Better Business Bureau. I get that from my mom.
Things I carry, well I can tell you my load will be a little lighter after BWP is over! I feel like I carry an entire office with me right now, and I don’t have a Mary Poppins bag! My purse is always too heavy, but when I go through it to see if I can clean anything out, I can’t get rid of anything. I need it all, or at least I might someday, and I know that day will come when I stop carrying it with me.
In my car, I carry about 3 or 4 umbrellas because I’m constantly forgetting to put them back in the car after using them, so I over-compensate.
I carry tension with me. My neck holds my tension. It doesn’t help that I’m usually reading or writing something. Even on good days, my neck has little pains. My mom says it’s because I’m getting old and I don’t eat right or exercise enough. I’m determined to get back into a routine after BWP ends. Either way, I don’t feel too bad because I’m supposed to be gaining some weight right now.
There is always a to-do list in my head, and sometimes on a piece of paper in my purse. I am always trying to keep up with so much that I am paranoid I’ve forgotten something if I don’t check my list.
I don’t carry a lot of heavy stuff lately. Laundry baskets are the only item I carry on a regular basis, and since I’m the only human in the house right now, the baskets stay pretty light. You know, I’ve always hated that doorways are barely wide enough for a laundry basket to fit through. It is just wide enough to scrape your hands. It’s been like this in every place I’ve lived. I figure it just can’t be me, it’s the poor design. I usually have too much laundry to buy those cute little round baskets. Those are for little kids to play in. (At least that’s what we did when I was little)
I carry my heart on my sleeve…everyone in this class already knows that. I can’t hide my emotions, and it’s not just because I’m pregnant. I remember being so embarrassed in 5th grade because I balled like a baby at the end of All Dogs Go To Heaven. I don’t even remember the ending, but I haven’t watched it since fearing another waterworks display. It’s funny, my parents were never overly emotional people. I think I remember seeing my mom cry a few times, more out of frustration than anything. She wasn’t the type to cry at sad movies. I on the other hand, cried at the inspiring ending of Cool Runnings. You know the Jamaican bobsled team that carried their bobsled over the finish line at the Olympics. Actually, just about any medal ceremony at the Olympics can get me a little choked up. I know, I’m a big cheeseball, but that’s me! I dread any customer service agent that tries to cross me. I am polite, professional, and determined. I don’t care how many times I get “cut off” I will call back and make sure everything is taken care of, or I will move up the line of supervisors. If I don’t get satisfaction from corporate, it’s hello Better Business Bureau. I get that from my mom.
Things I carry, well I can tell you my load will be a little lighter after BWP is over! I feel like I carry an entire office with me right now, and I don’t have a Mary Poppins bag! My purse is always too heavy, but when I go through it to see if I can clean anything out, I can’t get rid of anything. I need it all, or at least I might someday, and I know that day will come when I stop carrying it with me.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is laundry basket challenged!
blindsi, at 9:15 AM
It is so funny you mentioned the movie "All Dogs go to Heaven." I was just thinking about it this weekend. I was making basically the same comment you made. I haven't watched it since.
ktatum, at 9:16 AM
I cried so much at that movie. I refuse to let Abby-Kate watch it because I'm afraid she will just lose it.
Mary Poppins, at 9:27 AM
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