I love Write Night!
I've been playing on Facebook now for at least thirty minutes, scratching my virtual puppy, answering messages sent two weeks ago, and in general enjoying myself. I love Write Night!
Now that I've had a personal celebration. Here's the upcoming. Anna's first birthday is next month, and we're working on the whole party thing. Here's what has been decided-the theme is rubber ducks. Yep, that's all I know. Our house is too small for her party, actually our driveway is too small for parking, and our HOA won't allow cars to park on the street. So, where do you have a birthday party for a one year old. Our parents' houses won't work because of divorce, distance, size, whatever. And I'm not subjecting everyone to Fox's Pizza or the bowling alley for a party Anna isn't going to remember. Yes, our family is that large. No, we cannot just cut the guest list. And then there's the whole, who do you have to invite? Obviously family, but how extended? If someone invited you to their child's birthday, are you obligated to invite them to your child's? If you invite a couple that you are friends with, must you invite all couples with small children that you are friends with? If a tree falls, wait, sorry, wrong topic.
Before I had Anna, I was an advocate of inviting who you wanted and heck with the rest of' 'em. I'm realizing that it's not that easy. All of these people are important part of my daughter's life in some way. So how do you decide who gets to share in a special day and who is left out?
You invite them all.
Now that I've had a personal celebration. Here's the upcoming. Anna's first birthday is next month, and we're working on the whole party thing. Here's what has been decided-the theme is rubber ducks. Yep, that's all I know. Our house is too small for her party, actually our driveway is too small for parking, and our HOA won't allow cars to park on the street. So, where do you have a birthday party for a one year old. Our parents' houses won't work because of divorce, distance, size, whatever. And I'm not subjecting everyone to Fox's Pizza or the bowling alley for a party Anna isn't going to remember. Yes, our family is that large. No, we cannot just cut the guest list. And then there's the whole, who do you have to invite? Obviously family, but how extended? If someone invited you to their child's birthday, are you obligated to invite them to your child's? If you invite a couple that you are friends with, must you invite all couples with small children that you are friends with? If a tree falls, wait, sorry, wrong topic.
Before I had Anna, I was an advocate of inviting who you wanted and heck with the rest of' 'em. I'm realizing that it's not that easy. All of these people are important part of my daughter's life in some way. So how do you decide who gets to share in a special day and who is left out?
You invite them all.
Take loads of pictures, all the duckies in a row. I do not envy the logistics of getting everyone in one place to cooperate and be nice.
Diana Chartier, at 7:46 PM
Amen sister. When's the party? I'll bring some ducks! I love rubber ducks.
eromler, at 7:48 PM
Lots of pictures this year, a few fewer the next . . . I was the third kid. I think there are only about five pictures of me as a kid.
Donna Sewell, at 7:48 PM
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