I'll never be accused of being overly organized. It can't have anything to do with heredity because if that were the case, I'd be OCD organized. I think I'm the only disorganized person in my family that I can think of anyway. I'm waiting for my desk to be declared a federal disaster, illegal dump, or hazardous waste site maybe then I could get funding to clean it up, or someone from the EPA Superfund to create a plan to mediate the problem. But I haven't stopped there. Disorganization has taken on a life of its own and leaves its wake as I pass through a room. My desk waste site has oozed into the living room which actually is the same location. It's like toxic waste leeching from a landfill into the the water just slowly expands. Then there's my photography equipment/dollhouses/boxes o'crap/large dog crate room. I think that pretty well describes that room. And like the Blob, it doesn't stop there.
But I am going to stop, publish, and head downtown to Hildy's. See you soon.
But I am going to stop, publish, and head downtown to Hildy's. See you soon.
Instead of disorganization, maybe it's creative chaos, a fertile ground for inspiration? No? Well, I thought I'd try.
Donna Sewell, at 11:38 AM
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