Hot diggity dog! We finally got Renee on Facebook. First it was Matt. All during the Summer Insitute, Shane, Tammy, and I would talk about the wonders of Facebook. Matt said that he did not want to get on Facebook, fearing that it would suck him in.
Eventually the temptation became too great, and our little Matty finally succumbed. From what I hear, he has become quite entralled with Facebook.
Tonight's Write Night became a Facebook recruiting effort. Narci, Diana, and Renee are not converts. Oh what lies ahead for you all. Facebook is a beautiful thing my friends. Diana has already stated that she does not want my Pokey, but she does not know what she is missing. Lindsi has already adopted her puppy "Snickers" to my "Finn." Hopefully she will not forget to feed him like I did. I vow not to go 46 hours again, my friend.
Flair- how awesome is it to get a snazzy button like the ones that they used to wear at one of the chain restaurants? It reminds me of Office Space. My goal is to get so much Flair that I have one for every day of the month. Lindsi sent me one that says, "I can tell your purse is fake." Appropriate indeed!
Then there are the status updates. I personally like to see who has the most clever one each day. So and so is doing laundry . . . so and so is pissed . . . so and so $@## off. Got to love that.
I also have a Myspace, but I only have 11 friends. My students, when asked to compare and contrast Facebook to Myspace (I was trying to help them to come up with topics for an expository essay) say , with a sneer, that the difference between Myspace and Facebook is that Facebook is for "college students."
Personally, I think that Facebook is a lot easier to use than Myspace and makes it easier for you to keep up with people you actually know. I guess if you really don't know people, Myspace is the way to go. That's probably why I like Facebook; I can control the privacy so that only my friends can see my information. I don't have the need for everyone to know everything about me.
But I do like seeing what my old cheerleaders from Coffee High School are doing, as well as some of my former students from CHS. Some of them are married, some of them are getting married . . . some of them are in Chicago, some are at UGA. Facebook helps us to stay in touch.
The same is true with BWP. We get so busy with our day to day lives, but with Facebook we are able to stay in touch. And relationships are what matter in this life.
Eventually the temptation became too great, and our little Matty finally succumbed. From what I hear, he has become quite entralled with Facebook.
Tonight's Write Night became a Facebook recruiting effort. Narci, Diana, and Renee are not converts. Oh what lies ahead for you all. Facebook is a beautiful thing my friends. Diana has already stated that she does not want my Pokey, but she does not know what she is missing. Lindsi has already adopted her puppy "Snickers" to my "Finn." Hopefully she will not forget to feed him like I did. I vow not to go 46 hours again, my friend.
Flair- how awesome is it to get a snazzy button like the ones that they used to wear at one of the chain restaurants? It reminds me of Office Space. My goal is to get so much Flair that I have one for every day of the month. Lindsi sent me one that says, "I can tell your purse is fake." Appropriate indeed!
Then there are the status updates. I personally like to see who has the most clever one each day. So and so is doing laundry . . . so and so is pissed . . . so and so $@## off. Got to love that.
I also have a Myspace, but I only have 11 friends. My students, when asked to compare and contrast Facebook to Myspace (I was trying to help them to come up with topics for an expository essay) say , with a sneer, that the difference between Myspace and Facebook is that Facebook is for "college students."
Personally, I think that Facebook is a lot easier to use than Myspace and makes it easier for you to keep up with people you actually know. I guess if you really don't know people, Myspace is the way to go. That's probably why I like Facebook; I can control the privacy so that only my friends can see my information. I don't have the need for everyone to know everything about me.
But I do like seeing what my old cheerleaders from Coffee High School are doing, as well as some of my former students from CHS. Some of them are married, some of them are getting married . . . some of them are in Chicago, some are at UGA. Facebook helps us to stay in touch.
The same is true with BWP. We get so busy with our day to day lives, but with Facebook we are able to stay in touch. And relationships are what matter in this life.
I will let you adopt all the puppies and raise one for me :-)
Diana Chartier, at 7:49 PM
Yes, Facebook does keep me connected with people I would otherwise lose contact with. I like the connectivity, which is why I've been wanting to get more BWP folks on Facebook.
It was really fun tonight playing on Facebook, wasn't it?
Donna Sewell, at 7:52 PM
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