Manic Mondays
What else can I jam into this manic Monday? I crawled out of bed around 5:30ish, poured some coffee and read a few verses while saying a frantic prayer. My cat, Gus, screamed at me to come in after his night of prowling around the front porch. Bless him! He has no claws, but he demands to leave the house every evening around 10:00 to watch the cars go by. His Monday wasn't frantic I'm sure. He doesn't have a five page rough draft on school dress code due Thursday or a presentation to make in front of ESOL teaching candidates. Instead of calling a parent about their child being rude to the substitute on Friday during planning , Gus is changing positions from his stomach to his back. However, Gus didn't hear any funny stories about what one male student dared to say to another student about which I'm afraid to reveal on the blog. Needless to say, it was one of the many mindless, cocky things a young man in heat would say to an unsuspecting girl. As I enter grades in a rushed manner during every class after discussing their journal topics, Gus is moseying to his food bowl. My lunch is rushed, but the 7th grade administrator called for silent lunch so it was peaceful for a change. The last two periods were uneventful, and the day would have ended nicely if I didn't have to attend a meeting. My principal promised it would be a short meeting, but it ended up lasting about an hour. An hour in which even more responsibilities were added to my plate. I am NOT a scrapbooker. Now I'm responsible for the 7th grade scrapebook to be shownto the Lighthouse Schools to Watch folks visiting in November. Finally I get a chance to work on my classwork for VSU, but a colleague walks in for a chat. Oh well, it'll get done somehow. So what could I add to this manic Monday. Facebook!! Yes, Rebecca has us all registered on the world's largest network something. Next she'll have a new electronic pet for us to google over. There are a few more hours in the day...what's next? Glasses of wine I hope!
Oh, you are going to bow down and thank me for the Facebook later. Oh yes you will. Just wait and see.
eromler, at 7:50 PM
Definitely we need a relaxing something added to our schedule. Write Night is not usually as rushed as it was tonight. It's usually a bit more laidback.
I LOVE the comparison with Gus.
Donna Sewell, at 7:51 PM
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