Pet Peeves
Okay, I thought I didn't want to write about this topic, but the music has mellowed me out (thanks, Andrea), and I can write about it without getting angry, instead just laughing at the people who populate my world, the people who may be put on Sasha's list.
Pet Peeves:
Pet Peeves:
- people who drive slowly in my lane, refusing to budge despite being passed on the left by several other drivers
- people whose thongs show in church--or anywhere really. I don't want to know about people's underwear choices.
- rude people
- diarrhea talkers--they just spew nonsense everywhere, eager for an audience, not wanting to share the floor
Favorite Children's Stories
- the LaRue books that Kim introduced us to last summer in the Institute; this year Lindsi bought two for BWP's library; _Dear Mrs. LaRue_ is a great example of a multigenre text
- Amelia Bedelia--maybe that's where I developed a love for language play
- Curious George books--that monkey got into everything
- Wes stories--Wes tells the nieces and nephews stories about his escapades as a child; they love the stories. One year, I typed one, and Wes illustrated it, and we gave it to the nieces and nephews for Christmas. My niece took it to show and tell one day, and Wes's nephew memorized it this past year for his speech class. One day, I want us to write them all up. So far, I've written two of them, but we haven't really played with the illustrations.
- _The Napping House_, it has great illustrations
I think it would be great if you and Wes published the children's stories. Let me know when you do. Micah and Madison would probably love them.
agaither, at 9:12 AM
Ok, this is my second attemp at trying to comment to your piece. The underwear thing drives me crazy, too.
kade, at 9:22 AM
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