I can't think of any one story, so I'm listing some random kid stories.
-Sunday morning at church Kayden (she's not quite two) was running around the auditorium saying "Bitch, bitch," while her daddy tried to shush her. They were leaving for the beach that afternoon.
-When my cousin was little he refused to eat gravy. When his mom tried to get him to taste it one Sunday afternoon, he started to cry. In muffled sobs he said, "Mama, Jesus is in the gravy!" After much thought, we realized one of our hymms that morning was "Low in the Grave He Lay."
-Ben used to get in trouble regularly for laughing at his little brother at the dinner table. Taylor is ten years younger than Ben, and until he was about five, he had a hard time with "o" sounds. Every time Taylor tried to say fork, he ended up dropping an f-bomb, which led Ben to laugh, which led Taylor to say it again. It was funniest when we went out to eat.
-Sunday morning at church Kayden (she's not quite two) was running around the auditorium saying "Bitch, bitch," while her daddy tried to shush her. They were leaving for the beach that afternoon.
-When my cousin was little he refused to eat gravy. When his mom tried to get him to taste it one Sunday afternoon, he started to cry. In muffled sobs he said, "Mama, Jesus is in the gravy!" After much thought, we realized one of our hymms that morning was "Low in the Grave He Lay."
-Ben used to get in trouble regularly for laughing at his little brother at the dinner table. Taylor is ten years younger than Ben, and until he was about five, he had a hard time with "o" sounds. Every time Taylor tried to say fork, he ended up dropping an f-bomb, which led Ben to laugh, which led Taylor to say it again. It was funniest when we went out to eat.
Of course, reading your post, I remember other things I could write about: my nephew calling his mom a bitch because he heard it on TV, my niece saying, "Infiniby and beyond," because that's what she thought Buzz Lightyear was saying. Ahh, the word stories that await. Poor Taylor will be rehearing the F story forever. And I love the Jesus in the gravy story. If God is everywhere, he must be in the gravy too.
Donna Sewell, at 9:05 AM
I still think Taylor was ready to be taught the concept of communion.
Donna Sewell, at 10:44 PM
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