Word Confusion
Misheard Song Lyrics:
- INXS, "Suicide Blonde," I was hungry one day when I first heard this song and thought the words were "Soup and Salad Bar." I sang those lyrics for several years until Wes heard me.
- The Pretenders, I can't even publish what I thought that song said, but I'll give you the line that confused me so that you can having fun trying to guess (you'll never get it right, though): "gonna use my, my, my imagination 'cause I'm gonna make you see, no one else here, no one like me." The word I couldn't decipher was "imagination."
In my defense, at the time I couldn’t look up song lyrics on the Internet.
Weird pronuniciations I’ve heard (or said):
- "bomb" pronounced as "bum" as in "We had a bum threat at school today"--immediately, I imagined crowds of buns outside the school, threatening to enter, and students not having to take tests because of the threat
- “throat lozenge” pronounced as “throat lounger”—again, I didn’t know what a Sucrets was until Wes laughed at my pronounciation. Now, any time I have a cough, he offers to get me a “throat lounger” and grins. I think it’s clear that I don’t hit him enough.
Bumper Stickers (and Helmet Stickers):
- Save water; shower togther
- God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
- Hair by Helmet
So they were talking about bombs, you heard bums and you pictured buns? I know typo, but given the prompt I thought it was funny.
blindsi, at 9:06 AM
I used to listen to music in the 80's too... MTV had just become available and it changed my little world. I'm still trying to figure out "imagination."
I love "Hair by Helmet."
Sheri, at 9:08 AM
I like the bumper sticker, God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
agaither, at 9:09 AM
People used to make fun of me because I said, "Flag" with a flat a and "warshing machine."
kade, at 7:34 PM
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