Blackwater Writing Project

June 28, 2007

Flat children and Round peas

One of my favorite children's stories is one that I have never heard anyone else even mention. It is one of the stories in The Children's Tall book of Tales. When I was a child, I used to love that book. It was tall and thin and had a green cover with elves and other mythical creatures. The story I loved was "The Very Bad Day."
The idea behind the story was if you are going to have a bad day, have the best bad day possible. The mother in the story is fed up. Everything has gone wrong, so she gives up tring to make it any better. Instead,she tries to make it as bad as it possibly can be. Now that's the spirit!
She allows wild animals in the basement, polar bears in her frig, and fairies in the lemonade. She isn't surprised when her children tear up the piano and fix it with honey or pull the youngest child under the door, so that she becomes flat. The children try to help by fixing supper, but Rosa, the flat child, can't eat anything round. So the peas go rolling across the floor.
Now, I can't help but believe if all of us had the spirit of this Mom, life would be a lot more fun. Why spend all your time trying to control what you can't control? Why spend all your time being upset? Sometimes you just got to pull your pants down and slide on the ice! Roll with the flow. Drink the lemonade with the faires, but know your limitations. You can't serve round peas to flat children. You have to make modifications or you'll lose what peas you have.


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