All Rasberries Aren't for Eating
When I was a little girl, my favorite "not really an Aunt, but is called an Aunt, and is more of an Aunt than all my real Aunts, but one" used to grab me a plant big old rasberries on me. I'm not talking about the fruit. Now, if you have never had a rasberry, it happens when someone puts their entire open mouth on some part of your anatomy and blows. (Get your mind out of the gutter. This is a children's story.) Usually, this is done on the neck and tummy between the ages of 0 to about 5 or 6 years old. The more noise it makes, the more it tickles and the more it makes the little kids laugh.
Well, of course, I did this to all my babies and they would laugh and beg for more, just like I used to. There is reason, however, that is states in the Bible t there is a time and a place for all things. Rasberries are only delievered in places where weird noises and laugher are ok. Which brings us to our family's pew in church. At that time, my family was going to the Epicopal Church. You know the church that is a step away from Catholic and still has the uptight priest dressed in a collar reading the cermony to you, followed by the uptight choir that chants hymns no one can remember or understand.
Now, at that time our family consisted of a 15 year old Anna, a 2 year old Allie, and Alan and me. Needless to say, we've never been a "Martha Stewart family." So what happened during the sermon should not have surprised us. Of course, Allie screamed when we tried to take her to the nursery. Of course, we buckled and decided to bring her to big church. Of course, during the climax of the sermon, Allie smiled at Anna and planted the biggest, loudest rasberry right between Anna's legs. Of course, Anna and I almost choaked trying to hold back the laughter. To no one's surprise, I didn't have a kleenex. As fate would have it, Alan had left his handkerchief at home and handed me a baby sock on which to blow my nose. Which without a doubt, dissolved Anna and me into loud, snorting laughter.
So, with nose running, baby sock in hand, 2 year old in the other arm, and Anna following close behind we left the church, never to return again.
Well, of course, I did this to all my babies and they would laugh and beg for more, just like I used to. There is reason, however, that is states in the Bible t there is a time and a place for all things. Rasberries are only delievered in places where weird noises and laugher are ok. Which brings us to our family's pew in church. At that time, my family was going to the Epicopal Church. You know the church that is a step away from Catholic and still has the uptight priest dressed in a collar reading the cermony to you, followed by the uptight choir that chants hymns no one can remember or understand.
Now, at that time our family consisted of a 15 year old Anna, a 2 year old Allie, and Alan and me. Needless to say, we've never been a "Martha Stewart family." So what happened during the sermon should not have surprised us. Of course, Allie screamed when we tried to take her to the nursery. Of course, we buckled and decided to bring her to big church. Of course, during the climax of the sermon, Allie smiled at Anna and planted the biggest, loudest rasberry right between Anna's legs. Of course, Anna and I almost choaked trying to hold back the laughter. To no one's surprise, I didn't have a kleenex. As fate would have it, Alan had left his handkerchief at home and handed me a baby sock on which to blow my nose. Which without a doubt, dissolved Anna and me into loud, snorting laughter.
So, with nose running, baby sock in hand, 2 year old in the other arm, and Anna following close behind we left the church, never to return again.
Funny. That is too cute. You know, kids never fail to, any time, when you least expect it, they provide us with great material.
Sonya, at 8:13 AM
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