posted by eromler at 7:13 PM
Anyone who makes as much fun of herself as you do has to have funny stories to tell.
By Donna Sewell, at 7:41 PM
(in my best japanese accent)ohh, you so funny. You funny girl. You tell story now.
By Adam, at 7:45 PM
Well, since you don't know English, how can you possibly be expected to write a story, especially since it has nothing to do with science and math.
By kade, at 10:27 PM
We Germans are having a hard time being funny too. Hitler must have driven it out of us...
By blindsi, at 8:55 AM
It's never stopped Margaret Cho!
By Andrea, at 9:26 AM
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Anyone who makes as much fun of herself as you do has to have funny stories to tell.
Donna Sewell, at 7:41 PM
(in my best japanese accent)ohh, you so funny. You funny girl. You tell story now.
Adam, at 7:45 PM
Well, since you don't know English, how can you possibly be expected to write a story, especially since it has nothing to do with science and math.
kade, at 10:27 PM
We Germans are having a hard time being funny too. Hitler must have driven it out of us...
blindsi, at 8:55 AM
It's never stopped Margaret Cho!
Andrea, at 9:26 AM
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