Everyday I'm entertained by my 8th graders, who are trying to figure out who they are. (Let's be honest, who isn't?) But it's interesting to watch at this level. If one student has some malady (Is that the right word?), then it is inevitable that it is going to set off a chain reaction. Case in point: crutches. There seemed to be an epidemic of students on crutches, particularly girls, at my school. But I guess it could be worse; they could be like that episode on Law and Order: SVU where the girls decided to all get pregnant at the same time.
Have you ever noticed how if one student needs to got to the bathroom, and you let him/her go, all of the sudden all of them have to go? It's quite the phenomenon. Now I know that if you hang around people enough, there is something to you all needing to go to the bathroom at the same time. (I think Lindsi, Donna, and me all can attest to that.) But I question it when it happens in my classroom.
I remember in seventh and eighth grade the attempt to write like each other. We all used big fluffy handwriting and formed our "t"s just like Beth, the coolest of the group. They looked kind of like "and" signs. Also, we shaded with our pencils to create a thick line. We all did that, and now I can't really remember why except that it seemed cool.
I always wanted to know how to French braid hair, which was a big thing in seventh and eighth grade, but I never got the hang of it. I did put my wet hair into tiny braids once in eighth grade and dressed up the next day as Gene Simmons for Halloween. My hair was crazy, just like his.
I'm kind of slow to join trends, but that's mostly because I'm fashionally challenged.
Donna Sewell, at 8:51 AM
I really, really HATE the whole bathroom bandwagon that happens in class. Augghhhh. And the pencil sharpening one. And the clearing your throat one. The kids think it's soooo funny! Haha!
Donna... I really, really, REALLY wish I could see a picture of you dressed up as Gene Simmons. That is awesome...
Carrie Beth, at 11:09 AM
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