Blackwater Writing Project

October 12, 2009

Falling for Fall

Cool weather teased me
at the track one morning,
a cool breeze pushing me around laps.

I luxuriated in the chill,
speeding up,
enjoying the walk.

The sun warmed the sky,
banishing the chill temporarily,
but it returned that night,
greeting me as I returned home,
tempting to stay outside,
to create outside chores.

I resisted,
lugging two bags of journals inside,
parking myself on the sofa,
slugging through the work.

Punishment arrived quickly.
The next meeting heat returned:
no chill,
no cool breeze,
no pleasant walk,
no promise of bonfires,
of s'mores,
of camping,
of Halloween costumes,
of Thanksgiving bounty,
of Christmas presents,
of cruising on the Harley,
my arms wrapped around Wes.

Instead I trudged into the heat,
smothered again by oppressiveness,
by my stalker summer
that won't take a hint,
that won't leave gracefully,
that won't let me be.

Okay, that was fun, but I miss the regulars, and you all are missing some great (or not so great) music at McAllister's. The music is pretty random. We went from Lion King music to 80s music performed by someone more recent. It's a bit loud, overwhelming the voices in Jennifer's head, which is pretty hard to do, you know. Kristin keeps thinking about the Lion King and the food, and I just keep laughing and distracting everyone. I think I've moved into the oh-my-gosh-how-will-I-get-everything-done mode. Can you tell we worked on creating your own words in grammar class today? I love making up my own words with hyphens. Today, I came up with misery-oozing as in "She's a misery-oozing witch." Yeah, I'll be using that word again.

I hope we hear from more of you who are posting on the blog instead of meeting us at McAllister's.


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