Giggles from the Middle
As an 8th grade teacher, you get a lot of those moments where you're thinking to yourself "I can't believe he just said that!!" Here are a few for your enjoyment:
"I didn't say the F word!! I just said the beginning and the end, not the middle!
"I heard Obama was going to make eating meat illegal."
"Why are you always getting on to me for my shirts when teachers are walking around with their titties hanging out?"
"But my dad said he was going to beat my ass if I did that again!" (in the middle of class no less)
"Teachers don't need to get paid more, they need to get laid more."
"You're cute, can I have your number?" (to a teacher!!!)
Upon finding a bookbag full of porn "I thought they were comics"
Ah, the joys of teaching the middle ones...
"I didn't say the F word!! I just said the beginning and the end, not the middle!
"I heard Obama was going to make eating meat illegal."
"Why are you always getting on to me for my shirts when teachers are walking around with their titties hanging out?"
"But my dad said he was going to beat my ass if I did that again!" (in the middle of class no less)
"Teachers don't need to get paid more, they need to get laid more."
"You're cute, can I have your number?" (to a teacher!!!)
Upon finding a bookbag full of porn "I thought they were comics"
Ah, the joys of teaching the middle ones...
Do you keep your notebook handy to write these down when they happen? I'd be scared I'd lose them if I didn't.
Donna Sewell, at 7:56 PM
I've actually just started keeping them all!
Mrs. Dyess, at 8:09 PM
They are too funny. Elementary isn't quite so entertaining. I especially love the "comic books" LOL
Diana Chartier, at 12:57 AM
I've heard many "That's what she said..." comments muttered under my boy students' breath. I have to stop myself from laughing out loud many times... : ) 8th graders are definitely a trip!
Carrie Beth, at 1:49 PM
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