Kids Say the Craziest Things...
At the beginning of each school year, I assign the students to bring an "All About Me" bag. I send home an empty brown paper bag and they are to decorate the bag and fill it with items that tell us a little bit about themselves. One little boy in my class pulled out a picture of President Obama when he was sharing his bag and said "This is my president." I, being the non-side-taking-PreK-teacher said "Yes...he is my president too. He is everybody's president." A child in my class, we'll call her Alice, said "That IS NOT my president!" I quickly replied..."If you live in the United States of America, then he is your president." Alice's quick response, rolling eyes and all..."I don't live in the United States of America...I live in Kinderlou Forest..."
This made me really think. Do 4 year olds really already notice status? Or did this child honestly think she didn't live in the United States of America? Hmm...
Another parapro just got a new puppy this weekend. She was talking to several of the kids on the playground about the puppy. They asked her if she could bring the puppy to school. She said to one child "If I bring him, are you going to clean up after him if he potties?" to which the student replied "What? Wipe his penis?" I nearly DIED! Interesting enough, his father in a surgeon, so I'm sure he is taught to use all the scientific terms insted of the "cutesy" ones that we make up...
Which brings me to my next story. When I was in high school, a teacher that I had told us that her daughter called her "area" her "butterbean." Now everytime I eat butterbeans (THE VEGGIE..) this is what I think of.
Just last Friday, we had show and tell in my class. A sweet, absolutely gorgeous little girl came walking in with a very life like stuffed animal cat in her arms. I told her that I would store the cat on top of the cubbies until show and tell. This child has a speech problem... When it was her turn to share, she just came and looked at me and smiled..."Will you give me my titty?" I can't even begin to imagine how my face looked. "Excuse me?" "My titty...I need my titty. Miss Goble didn't you tell us that you have a titty?" I couldn't help but respond. "Yes. I have two." (In case you didn't get it...titty=kitty. And I really only own ONE feline...)
If you don't know, I teach PreK, so I could type on and on about this subject. The other PreK teacher and I have been trying an interesting technique this year. We have been asking the students for suggestions on how to handle behavior problems. We are not allowed to do "Time-Out" in PreK because it is not "developmentally appropriate" (BULL CRAP...) so nothing can hurt. One little boy in the other class kept kicking students. We asked one little boy that happened to be standing around what we should do about the situation. His honest reply..."I'm 'gon take his shoes off, and throw 'em in the trash can. Then he can't kick no 'mo." Maybe we should just let the kids handle the behavior issues....
This made me really think. Do 4 year olds really already notice status? Or did this child honestly think she didn't live in the United States of America? Hmm...
Another parapro just got a new puppy this weekend. She was talking to several of the kids on the playground about the puppy. They asked her if she could bring the puppy to school. She said to one child "If I bring him, are you going to clean up after him if he potties?" to which the student replied "What? Wipe his penis?" I nearly DIED! Interesting enough, his father in a surgeon, so I'm sure he is taught to use all the scientific terms insted of the "cutesy" ones that we make up...
Which brings me to my next story. When I was in high school, a teacher that I had told us that her daughter called her "area" her "butterbean." Now everytime I eat butterbeans (THE VEGGIE..) this is what I think of.
Just last Friday, we had show and tell in my class. A sweet, absolutely gorgeous little girl came walking in with a very life like stuffed animal cat in her arms. I told her that I would store the cat on top of the cubbies until show and tell. This child has a speech problem... When it was her turn to share, she just came and looked at me and smiled..."Will you give me my titty?" I can't even begin to imagine how my face looked. "Excuse me?" "My titty...I need my titty. Miss Goble didn't you tell us that you have a titty?" I couldn't help but respond. "Yes. I have two." (In case you didn't get it...titty=kitty. And I really only own ONE feline...)
If you don't know, I teach PreK, so I could type on and on about this subject. The other PreK teacher and I have been trying an interesting technique this year. We have been asking the students for suggestions on how to handle behavior problems. We are not allowed to do "Time-Out" in PreK because it is not "developmentally appropriate" (BULL CRAP...) so nothing can hurt. One little boy in the other class kept kicking students. We asked one little boy that happened to be standing around what we should do about the situation. His honest reply..."I'm 'gon take his shoes off, and throw 'em in the trash can. Then he can't kick no 'mo." Maybe we should just let the kids handle the behavior issues....
Love the comment back! How'd you keep from laughing?
Mrs. Dyess, at 7:33 PM
Ewww, I can't imagine a stuffed cat!
Donna Sewell, at 7:46 PM
Sometimes it is the speech impediment's fault LOL
Diana Chartier, at 1:00 AM
Love, love, love it! Hahahaha! I love your titty, Jen. Murray (THE CAT) is my friend! : )
Carrie Beth, at 1:52 PM
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