Kids Say the Craziest Things...
Since this is my first year teaching second grade, I've heard some pretty funny things. The only thing is...I'm so tired that I forget most of them by the end of the day. I've promised myself that I would start writing down the things they say. But that tired thing comes back into play and I never do it.
I have the cutest little boy in my class. He always makes me laugh. The first week of school I explained to the class that we would begin using our books the following week. He asked sincerely, "So, does that mean we'll be out of second grade on Monday." Poor thing, he still had 179 days of second grade left to go. I broke it to him gently.
He's an active little fellow. So, I decided to threaten him with, "You're going to get in trouble." He responded by asking, "By who?" Well not to be outdone, I said, "By the principal, your daddy and me." He said, "Oh...well, I'm scared of my daddy and the principal." Let's just say that he got the last word on that one.
I have other darlings that believe my teaching degree includes the ability to diagnose health problems. One student told me that she had a pain that started in her head in the morning, moved down to her elbow by mid-morning and into her stomach later. Thanksfully it went away for P.E. and recess because my diagnosis included a priest and holy water!
Around the third week of school I got a letter from a parent saying that her child told her we would not be having a spelling test that week. Hmmm? I didn't tell them that they weren't having a spelling test. So, I asked the student why he told his mother we weren't having a test. He chimed three times in a row, "I didn't know! I didn't know! I didn't know!"
But, the doozy of my year so far has been a sweet, imaginative little girl who informed me that she could not sit down in her seat. Sometimes a teacher just shouldn't ask why, but I did. She said because her bottom hurts too bad after she's gone to the bathroom and done number two. Never, ever ask why!
After that I've tried to steer clear of anything that could cause me to blush or get sick to my stomach. The kids start arriving at 7:40, so they usually begin by telling me about their sickness. I listen attentively, without asking any questions. You live and learn. Whenever someone tells me that they can't do something, I ask myself, "Do you really want to know why?" And I must ask why, I brace myself for any possible response.
I have the cutest little boy in my class. He always makes me laugh. The first week of school I explained to the class that we would begin using our books the following week. He asked sincerely, "So, does that mean we'll be out of second grade on Monday." Poor thing, he still had 179 days of second grade left to go. I broke it to him gently.
He's an active little fellow. So, I decided to threaten him with, "You're going to get in trouble." He responded by asking, "By who?" Well not to be outdone, I said, "By the principal, your daddy and me." He said, "Oh...well, I'm scared of my daddy and the principal." Let's just say that he got the last word on that one.
I have other darlings that believe my teaching degree includes the ability to diagnose health problems. One student told me that she had a pain that started in her head in the morning, moved down to her elbow by mid-morning and into her stomach later. Thanksfully it went away for P.E. and recess because my diagnosis included a priest and holy water!
Around the third week of school I got a letter from a parent saying that her child told her we would not be having a spelling test that week. Hmmm? I didn't tell them that they weren't having a spelling test. So, I asked the student why he told his mother we weren't having a test. He chimed three times in a row, "I didn't know! I didn't know! I didn't know!"
But, the doozy of my year so far has been a sweet, imaginative little girl who informed me that she could not sit down in her seat. Sometimes a teacher just shouldn't ask why, but I did. She said because her bottom hurts too bad after she's gone to the bathroom and done number two. Never, ever ask why!
After that I've tried to steer clear of anything that could cause me to blush or get sick to my stomach. The kids start arriving at 7:40, so they usually begin by telling me about their sickness. I listen attentively, without asking any questions. You live and learn. Whenever someone tells me that they can't do something, I ask myself, "Do you really want to know why?" And I must ask why, I brace myself for any possible response.
Can I come observe your class one day??? This is hilarious!
blindsi, at 6:49 PM
Yes, I have had students tell me things I really didn't want to know . . . and I would think that college students would have a better sense of discretion. Most do, but occasionally, someone tells me way too much about stuff I shouldn't know.
Donna Sewell, at 7:44 PM
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