Blackwater Writing Project

June 17, 2009

The Surrency Spook Light...

Baxley has its own claim to fame in the form of an urban legend. Well, I guess it’s really not Baxley, it’s Surrency – a town with one caution light and one convenience store – located in Appling County on the Appling/Wayne County line. This story has been a part of our culture for years – way before I was born. I grew up hearing about spelunkers who were brave enough to venture to the railroad tracks under the overpass in Surrency and search for the light. You’re supposed to park under the overpass, and then walk east away from the overpass and highway and into the wooded area. As legend has it, an extremely bright, golden-yellow light about the size and shape of a small cantaloupe can be seen from the tracks once you get a good ways down from the overpass. The light seems to just hover over the tracks. The legend says that if you stand still on the tracks, it will come toward you. However, if you try to approach it, it will turn and disappear. Many scientists from around the county have come to the sleepy little town of Surrency to examine the mysterious light. They’ve tried to explain this anomaly away by saying its “swamp gas,” or headlights from cars reflecting off the tracks, or even ball lightning. However, I believe it’s true. Some believers attribute the Spook Light to the famous Surrency Ghost that inhabited the home of Surrency’s founder, A.P. Surrency. This ghost, known as the Surrency Ghost, had many poltergeist-like qualities as it was known to throw objects around the house, make mysterious noises, and speak in disembodied voices throughout the house. Mr. Surrency himself wrote an article for the Savannah Morning News where he described the haunting of his house. From his account, personal statements, and written accounts found in diaries, the Surrency Ghost’s fame has grown. Some of the alleged activity of the ghost: throwing tables through the air, clocks spinning like crazy in the home, hot bricks falling from the sky, lights flickering, mirrors exploding in the hallways, and of course the demonic screams and ghostly noises that were said to emanate from the house. The Ghost haunted Mr. Surrency’s house until it burned down in 1925. Some believe the Surrency Ghost fled to the woods after being forced out of its home when the fire occurred.

True? Maybe, maybe not. I tend to believe it’s true. After all, I’ve been on the tracks before – several times. I’ve heard freaky noises and convinced myself that I’ve seen the light. The real reason I’m convinced? My best friend’s mom’s cousin’s uncle’s brother-in-law and one of his buddies were in the woods hunting down near the tracks. He said he saw a light coming toward him. He thought it was his buddy walking on the tracks with his lantern, coming to meet up with him. He called out to him but received no answer. The light got closer and closer and closer… and went straight through his body and out the other side where it continued its trek along the tracks. Who am I to not believe my best friend???


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