Looney Tunes
Looney Tunes...those were the best, especially on Saturday mornings. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Tasmanian Devil, Tweetie Bird, Porky Pig and many others were all there, in my living room every weekend. Some were definitely smarter than others. I mean, did Wile E. Coyote really think he was going to catch Roadrunner? You would think he would have gotten the message at some point, but I guess not. Maybe it was the chase he liked. Bugs Bunny’s lady friend was probably my favorite, although her name escapes me. I think I liked her because she was a girly-girl with her pink ribbons. FYI—Google says her name is Lola. Gun-toting Elmer Fudd was my least favorite. I really don’t know what it was about him, but he just gave me the willies. Tweetie Bird also irritated me to death. “I-I-I-thought I saw a putty cat,” I can still hear her saying. Secretly, I would wish that the putty cat would eat her. How’s that for an unpleasant, childhood thought?
-These are just a few of my thoughts on the Looney Tunes...
-These are just a few of my thoughts on the Looney Tunes...
Wow-Dark Kristin came out!
blindsi, at 9:07 AM
You are so funny to actually remember all their names! I wonder why Tweety Bird is so popular? My students, at least the girls, love Tweety. Was he a boy or a girl? I can't remember. I also argued one time as to whether Big Bird was a boy or a girl. They are all so ambiguous. Maybe that is the point. Anyway, I degress. Does your boyfriend have any shirts with these characters?
Mary Poppins, at 9:09 AM
Was Tweety a girl?
Jennifer Swain, at 9:09 AM
Fortunately, Alison, TMNT is it.
ktatum, at 9:11 AM
I always thought she was a girl.
ktatum, at 9:12 AM
Wiki, however, says Tweety is a boy--shocking!
ktatum, at 9:13 AM
Elmer Fudd always set off my creep factor too. That's interesting.
Donna Sewell, at 10:11 PM
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