Looney Tunes
This topic makes me think of misheard lyrics. There's a whole site devoted to them: http://www.kissthisguy.com/ That's a good place to waste some time. I'm kind of famous (at least with my husband) for misheard lyrics, but I'll save myself the blushes for now and not share them.
Instead, I'll think about Looney Toons--the other part of the topic. There's a new show on called Man Vs. Cartoon. It kind of intrigues me, but I don't want my husband to know. (Wes, you aren't reading the blog, are you?) Anyway, the premise of the show is to test some of the antics from cartoons, starting with Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner.
Speaking of the Roadrunner, can I just say that I wanted the coyote to catch him a long time ago? And I think the coyote has a potential lawsuit against Acme Corp., whose products never work as promised. I guess Acme supplies the bullets for Arnold Schwarzenegger movies since no one ever gets shot except for him.
Apparently, my word for the day is "Random." Come on; say it with me, "Random." Now try to model it. Bet you can't do it as well as I can!
The fruit salsa tastes delicious. Good job, J-Glo! I keep expecting to drop some on my white pants. So far, so good, but the morning is still early. Now that I wrote that, I keep checking around me every time I take a bite, wondering if people are watching me eat. Yep, I'm such an idiot that I have forgotten that writing isn't the same as posting and that no one (except for me) has read these words yet.
Carrie Beth has been abnormally quiet today. I wonder if she's okay. Or if she's plotting something. Perhaps against me . . .
Topic switch again (are you getting whiplash, yet?), I think this may be the first time I've eaten blueberries other than in muffins. Wait, let me clarify because I can hear my mom saying, "Yes, you have," just like she says every time I say I haven't been somewhere. It is the first time I can remember eating raw blueberries although I'm sure I have. I'll mention that I've never been somewhere, say, Nashville, and she'll say, "Yes, you have. We went there when you were eighteen months old with your dad when he had to buy a tractor for M&M Tractor." Yep, I can't imagine why I don't remember that trip.
My mind skips haphazardly,
considering one topic,
rejecting it,
choosing another.
My mind is Scarlett O'Hara,
flirting with everything,
committing to nothing,
perhaps needing to be committed,.
Monica coughs,
and I write about it.
Carrie Beth looks at me,
and I fret over her plans for me today:
maybe I need a food tester?
Jennifer sneezes,
and I long
for Alison's travel-sized Lysol.
I eye the coffee pot,
no help there;
it's almost half full.
I search for distractions,
for topics,
for sanity,
but all avoid me,
ignoring me,
rejecting me,
as I type,
wanting to be smarter,
thinner than I am today.
The final version,
not the shitty first draft--
that's who I want to be,
but instead I muddle through the rough draft,
hoping someone can polish me,
transform me,
revise and edit me,
someone other than me.
It's too big a task for me.
Um, okay, I don't know where that came from, but I had fun playing with it. I hope it doesn't freak anyway out. But I don't care enough to delete it from the blog. I'm just saying . . .
Instead, I'll think about Looney Toons--the other part of the topic. There's a new show on called Man Vs. Cartoon. It kind of intrigues me, but I don't want my husband to know. (Wes, you aren't reading the blog, are you?) Anyway, the premise of the show is to test some of the antics from cartoons, starting with Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner.
Speaking of the Roadrunner, can I just say that I wanted the coyote to catch him a long time ago? And I think the coyote has a potential lawsuit against Acme Corp., whose products never work as promised. I guess Acme supplies the bullets for Arnold Schwarzenegger movies since no one ever gets shot except for him.
Apparently, my word for the day is "Random." Come on; say it with me, "Random." Now try to model it. Bet you can't do it as well as I can!
The fruit salsa tastes delicious. Good job, J-Glo! I keep expecting to drop some on my white pants. So far, so good, but the morning is still early. Now that I wrote that, I keep checking around me every time I take a bite, wondering if people are watching me eat. Yep, I'm such an idiot that I have forgotten that writing isn't the same as posting and that no one (except for me) has read these words yet.
Carrie Beth has been abnormally quiet today. I wonder if she's okay. Or if she's plotting something. Perhaps against me . . .
Topic switch again (are you getting whiplash, yet?), I think this may be the first time I've eaten blueberries other than in muffins. Wait, let me clarify because I can hear my mom saying, "Yes, you have," just like she says every time I say I haven't been somewhere. It is the first time I can remember eating raw blueberries although I'm sure I have. I'll mention that I've never been somewhere, say, Nashville, and she'll say, "Yes, you have. We went there when you were eighteen months old with your dad when he had to buy a tractor for M&M Tractor." Yep, I can't imagine why I don't remember that trip.
My mind skips haphazardly,
considering one topic,
rejecting it,
choosing another.
My mind is Scarlett O'Hara,
flirting with everything,
committing to nothing,
perhaps needing to be committed,.
Monica coughs,
and I write about it.
Carrie Beth looks at me,
and I fret over her plans for me today:
maybe I need a food tester?
Jennifer sneezes,
and I long
for Alison's travel-sized Lysol.
I eye the coffee pot,
no help there;
it's almost half full.
I search for distractions,
for topics,
for sanity,
but all avoid me,
ignoring me,
rejecting me,
as I type,
wanting to be smarter,
thinner than I am today.
The final version,
not the shitty first draft--
that's who I want to be,
but instead I muddle through the rough draft,
hoping someone can polish me,
transform me,
revise and edit me,
someone other than me.
It's too big a task for me.
Um, okay, I don't know where that came from, but I had fun playing with it. I hope it doesn't freak anyway out. But I don't care enough to delete it from the blog. I'm just saying . . .
You said you were worried about dropping salsa on your white pants, but my fuzzy eyes read white "parts" hehe!
blindsi, at 9:03 AM
Me again. I'll finish reading before I start posting next time. I like the idea of "draft Donna." Pretty cool. I also really like the Scarlett stanza.
blindsi, at 9:05 AM
Your honesty is refreshing. I think too often we (society) act like everything is perfect, when it really isn't. Thanks for saying the things we are all really feeling, if we admit it.
Mary Poppins, at 9:07 AM
Though you say you're random, your randomness does have a point. I like reading your rambles. They are like the rambling vines on the side of the road, you never know where they're going or what purpose they serve- they may be sweet like virginia creeper, or full like kudzu, and sometimes toxic like poison oak, but you keep them in check quite well. Lovely
Mrs. Dyess, at 9:12 AM
Blueberries are the best! They came out of MY yard! Not my mama's, not my brother's, not my papa's! MY currently empty field/lot doesn't do much for me right now...except produce blueberries. Actually, Jeremy and I want the blueberry tree removed from our "yard." It's about 10 feet from the road, dead in the front and center of the "yard." I thought everybody in my family was going to go into severe convulsions of shock when Jeremy and I said that we wanted it cut down. Apparently, we are just cutting it down...we are waiting for the perfect time of year to "relocate" it.
Jennifer Swain, at 9:14 AM
I am quiet today... I'm feeling rather introspective. And overwhelmed. And unsure of myself. Not the Blackwater Me. Just plain ole No job-No Direction-No Gumption to Change the Things That Need Changing Me. Which of course affect Blackwater Me. Because my mind is not on writing today. Nor was it last night. Which puts me further behind. Story of my life these days...
On a brighter note, I love what you've written. I agree with Alison - you've voiced what most of us feel but are too "chicken" to admit it. I love how the notion of a "shitty first draft" has transfused into our thoughts this summer. Thanks, Anne Lamott.
I am a shitty first draft in progress right now. And I know that the beauty is in the revising, the editing, the crafting... but sometimes I just want to skip all the hullabaloo and find the "real" me. But "they" say the beauty's in the journey, right? I just wish it wasn't so hard...
Carrie Beth, at 9:15 AM
I know this is silly, but I went onto the blog tonight to read this poem to Wes, and I got SOOOO excited when I had comments to the post. Lindsi always make me laugh; it's one of the reasons I love spending time with her. Alison called me honest, and that makes me proud. Monica made me feel smart and more coherent than I feel. Jennifer paid attention to the blueberries and connected her efforts to my words. Carrie Beth explained why I might have needed a food tester--or rather why I shouldn't be so egotistical to think it's all about me.
Although I'm writing all about me right now, I think it's a good example of Gallagher's "Friday Night Lights" example. Performing and hearing applause matter. Thanks for noticing my performance.
Donna Sewell, at 10:09 PM
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