Looney Tunes (or Tunes)
I have very fond memoires of watching Looney Tunes cartoons when I was a little kid. I never recognized the violence until I got older. One day, I tried to get my little girl to watch some kind of Looney Tunes, and she said the people were mean. I had never even thought of that. I remember looking so forward to Droopy because he didn’t come on all the time. There was also a penguin, but I can’t remember his name. Man, those were the days.
An old school cartoon that my kids do love is Tom and Jerry. I don’t know what the attraction is, but they absolutely love it. However, there is no educational value in this cartoon, so I try to steer them towards something a little more educational. My mom doesn’t understand this. Just yesterday, my mom bought my daughter a movie about a kid who can talk to dogs. Well, we were watching it in the car, well not me, just her. I was listening to it. The word friggin, shut-up, and butt were used within a few minutes of each other. Thanks mom! When I told my husband that the word friggin was used, he said, “The real word?” No, but the fake word is bad enough. I don’t want my four year old learning that!
Why have toons changed so much? I didn’t watch educational cartoons, and I turned out okay. My favorite was the Smurfs. Wow, tiny little blue people that live in mushrooms. I think the creator was someone who probably had a few of those mushrooms. And why was there only one girl Smurf? I think I turned out okay watching those types of shows. Why do I stress so much about my children watching “uneducational” TV? I guess that is what moms do, worry.
I think if something is a cartoon, it should be for children. I think there is a cartoon about a family trying to “go green.” I think it is running some time this summer. I’m not sure why adults would want to watch this. Speaking of shows adults wouldn’t want to watch, why is there a show, Cliques, that comes on at 10:00 PM that is about middle/high school girls and their cliques. Who is this actually geared toward? I watched about five minutes of it and was disgusted. It is almost as bad as the book series Gossip Girls. And, why does ABC Family call itself that name? Most of the programming is something I’m not comfortable watching, much less let me kids watch. The problem come when I let my kids watch something, like Happy Feet, that is on ABC Family, and through out the program there are commercials that show kissing, teenage pregnancy, and violence. Why? I guess I should just boycott the network.
Okay, I’ll get off that soap box and get back on to Looney Tunes. I remember the movie that Michael Jordan was in with the Looney Tunes characters. I can’t remember name, but there were aliens that came to earth to take over the body of famous basketball players. That was a cute movie, but again, violent. I turned it on for my daughter one day, and again the comment, “They are mean.” She is so tender-hearted, so the idea of someone being mean isn’t up her alley.
My son is currently addicted to Cailou. I have a DVD of the show, but there are all these bits with real people in between the episodes. Jeremiah hates them and will come running, saying, “Watch Cailou.” I try to assure him that it will be right back on, but he doesn’t accept that. I have to fast forward to the cartoon. Thankfully, we now have DVR service again, so I can record some real episodes. Just this morning, right after he awoke, Jeremiah said, “Watch Cailou.” I pulled out the remote and retrieved the recording. Jeremiah looked thrilled and said, “Cailou on!” Yesterday morning, I tried to convince him that Cailou was sleeping, so that I wouldn’t have to watch that awful DVD again. As I told some yesterday, our former cat Gilbert was named after the cat on the show. However, Gilbert died about two weeks ago. Now, every time they watch the show, questions come up about Gilbert. Jeremiah is so pitiful with his, “I miss Gilbert.” I guess you have to hear the way he says it.
I was married to a man that loved to watch cartoons. That should have given me an indication of the relationship. He loved to watch South Park, and I have to admit that I’ve watched it too. The thing I do appreciate about the show is that it makes fun of everyone, not just a particular group. The show is obviously not for kids, and as I’ve said, I’m not sure why adults watch cartoons, but maybe as Brenda said, it is media potato chips. I like that phrase. Most of today’s programming is media potato chips. Last night, after I finished my work for BWP, I sat down in front of the TV to try and watch something for a few minutes. Nothing. I ended up watching the news because that was the best thing on.
Okay, now I’ll switch to Looney Tunes. My daughter loves Hannah Montana/Miley Cirus, so I try to let her listen to her songs. They are clean and fun, so what is the harm? Well, the other day, I turned to a song that was some kind of dance song with words like freeze, milk shake, etc. Since I was alone in the car, I actually felt ridiculous listening to the song. So, I turned it.
Whatever happened to Weird Al? Is he still around? I used to love his songs. There was a country singer that also did spoofs. Is he still around? Those were always funny songs. Again, songs have deteriorated too. I’m so glad that I have XM radio so that I can control what my children hear. The Disney radio channel is clean, and so is the Contemporary Christian station. However, many of the others cause my skin to crawl because you never know what is going to come on. Why do singers think they have to be so disgusting or crude? I guess that is what sells or they wouldn’t be making money. I wish society would take more of a stand on these types of things. I’m not saying to censor things because I don’t believe in that, but radio stations should give some kind of indication when things are going to be inappropriate. Even morning news broadcasts do this. Just yesterday, Fox and Friends was interviewing some moms who want the book series Gossip Girls moved to another section of the public library. The anchor said that she couldn’t read some of the excerpts because their show is a family show. Should radio be family friendly unless otherwise indicated?
Okay, enough of that soap box too! Just a day for it!
Looney Tunes (or Tunes)
I have very fond memoires of watching Looney Tunes cartoons when I was a little kid. I never recognized the violence until I got older. One day, I tried to get my little girl to watch some kind of Looney Tunes, and she said the people were mean. I had never even thought of that. I remember looking so forward to Droopy because he didn’t come on all the time. There was also a penguin, but I can’t remember his name. Man, those were the days.
An old school cartoon that my kids do love is Tom and Jerry. I don’t know what the attraction is, but they absolutely love it. However, there is no educational value in this cartoon, so I try to steer them towards something a little more educational. My mom doesn’t understand this. Just yesterday, my mom bought my daughter a movie about a kid who can talk to dogs. Well, we were watching it in the car, well not me, just her. I was listening to it. The word friggin, shut-up, and butt were used within a few minutes of each other. Thanks mom! When I told my husband that the word friggin was used, he said, “The real word?” No, but the fake word is bad enough. I don’t want my four year old learning that!
Why have toons changed so much? I didn’t watch educational cartoons, and I turned out okay. My favorite was the Smurfs. Wow, tiny little blue people that live in mushrooms. I think the creator was someone who probably had a few of those mushrooms. And why was there only one girl Smurf? I think I turned out okay watching those types of shows. Why do I stress so much about my children watching “uneducational” TV? I guess that is what moms do, worry.
I think if something is a cartoon, it should be for children. I think there is a cartoon about a family trying to “go green.” I think it is running some time this summer. I’m not sure why adults would want to watch this. Speaking of shows adults wouldn’t want to watch, why is there a show, Cliques, that comes on at 10:00 PM that is about middle/high school girls and their cliques. Who is this actually geared toward? I watched about five minutes of it and was disgusted. It is almost as bad as the book series Gossip Girls. And, why does ABC Family call itself that name? Most of the programming is something I’m not comfortable watching, much less let me kids watch. The problem come when I let my kids watch something, like Happy Feet, that is on ABC Family, and through out the program there are commercials that show kissing, teenage pregnancy, and violence. Why? I guess I should just boycott the network.
Okay, I’ll get off that soap box and get back on to Looney Tunes. I remember the movie that Michael Jordan was in with the Looney Tunes characters. I can’t remember name, but there were aliens that came to earth to take over the body of famous basketball players. That was a cute movie, but again, violent. I turned it on for my daughter one day, and again the comment, “They are mean.” She is so tender-hearted, so the idea of someone being mean isn’t up her alley.
My son is currently addicted to Cailou. I have a DVD of the show, but there are all these bits with real people in between the episodes. Jeremiah hates them and will come running, saying, “Watch Cailou.” I try to assure him that it will be right back on, but he doesn’t accept that. I have to fast forward to the cartoon. Thankfully, we now have DVR service again, so I can record some real episodes. Just this morning, right after he awoke, Jeremiah said, “Watch Cailou.” I pulled out the remote and retrieved the recording. Jeremiah looked thrilled and said, “Cailou on!” Yesterday morning, I tried to convince him that Cailou was sleeping, so that I wouldn’t have to watch that awful DVD again. As I told some yesterday, our former cat Gilbert was named after the cat on the show. However, Gilbert died about two weeks ago. Now, every time they watch the show, questions come up about Gilbert. Jeremiah is so pitiful with his, “I miss Gilbert.” I guess you have to hear the way he says it.
I was married to a man that loved to watch cartoons. That should have given me an indication of the relationship. He loved to watch South Park, and I have to admit that I’ve watched it too. The thing I do appreciate about the show is that it makes fun of everyone, not just a particular group. The show is obviously not for kids, and as I’ve said, I’m not sure why adults watch cartoons, but maybe as Brenda said, it is media potato chips. I like that phrase. Most of today’s programming is media potato chips. Last night, after I finished my work for BWP, I sat down in front of the TV to try and watch something for a few minutes. Nothing. I ended up watching the news because that was the best thing on.
Okay, now I’ll switch to Looney Tunes. My daughter loves Hannah Montana/Miley Cirus, so I try to let her listen to her songs. They are clean and fun, so what is the harm? Well, the other day, I turned to a song that was some kind of dance song with words like freeze, milk shake, etc. Since I was alone in the car, I actually felt ridiculous listening to the song. So, I turned it.
Whatever happened to Weird Al? Is he still around? I used to love his songs. There was a country singer that also did spoofs. Is he still around? Those were always funny songs. Again, songs have deteriorated too. I’m so glad that I have XM radio so that I can control what my children hear. The Disney radio channel is clean, and so is the Contemporary Christian station. However, many of the others cause my skin to crawl because you never know what is going to come on. Why do singers think they have to be so disgusting or crude? I guess that is what sells or they wouldn’t be making money. I wish society would take more of a stand on these types of things. I’m not saying to censor things because I don’t believe in that, but radio stations should give some kind of indication when things are going to be inappropriate. Even morning news broadcasts do this. Just yesterday, Fox and Friends was interviewing some moms who want the book series Gossip Girls moved to another section of the public library. The anchor said that she couldn’t read some of the excerpts because their show is a family show. Should radio be family friendly unless otherwise indicated?
Okay, enough of that soap box too! Just a day for it!
The smurfs were one of my favorite cartoons, too. Although, you did bring up an interesting notion about there only being one girl smurf. I smell a scandal.
ktatum, at 9:08 AM
Is Ray Stevens the country spoof guy you're thinking of? My husband just found a bunch of his old records at his parents' house, and one of them was "The Streak." Yep, I am a little more country than I want to be, I'm afraid, because I remember that song far too well. As a kid, I thought it was just too funny. That's probably the last time my parents and I listened to the same music.
Donna Sewell, at 9:09 AM
I used to have a couple Weird Al CD's-shh, don't tell anyone!
The cartoon thing bugs me too. Mostly because when Anna stays with my dad (he's parentally challenged) he thinks anything on cartoon network or animated is for kids. It's like when I was growing up and my mom wouldn't let me watch The Simpsons. Clearly she had a point. Not really designed for an eight year old!
blindsi, at 9:12 AM
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