Looney Tunes (or Tunes)
This past weekend I rebelled. I think it was because you all worked so hard that I decided that I was exhausted. So I took Lorelai to visit my dad and ran errands on Saturday then holed up in the house on Sunday and did absolutely nothing despite the obvious need for me to do work. (I know it's not good to admit your weakness, but there is a point.)
I know I could have looked at the schedule to see it I had breakfast, but I didn't. I know that I could have looked at the schedule to see if I had the freewriting topics for this week, but I didn't. So when Monday morning rolled around, I had this weird feeling. What if I had breakfast? What if I had the topics for this week? Procrastination had reared its ugly head!
Luckily, Wendy had breakfast, and Donna had the freewriting topics for this week although I know she thought I was more than a little looney when I asked for approval about the topic. (Ironically, I had thought of the same one.) Hey, I never said I was perfect, and yes, I know I still have to get your memoirs and book reviews back. I'm not making excuses (I hate them), but I have to admit this is very uncharacteristic behavior for me; my life at home, with my father having recently been put in a nursing home, is a little "looney." I hope you all have patience with me. (Got a little teary-eyed there.)
Now, I shall (my friend always uses "shall" and that makes me laugh) transition to a much happier topic: tunes. Music has always been an escape for me. Some of my earliest childhood memories revolve around music. I can remember singing and dancing in the basement to Disney recordings of music from their movies. It's a wonder that I am as well-adjusted as I am. How I didn't end up on Broadway I'll never know. :)
One of my favorite movies growing up was The Wizard of Oz, not a Disney movie granted, but a musical no-less. I also enjoyed Jem and Fraggle Rock, both of which featured singing. When I was a pre-teen I went through a Frankie and Annette phase and watched all of their movies. And when I discovered West Side Story, I so wanted to be Maria because I knew I could never be Sandy from Grease. One of Lorelai's middle names is "Marian" because of "Marian the Librarian" from The Music Man, which was the first play that I ever saw live at O'Fallon Township High School. Bye Bye Birdie with Ann-Margaret still makes me laugh.
I would love to personally thank Steve Jobs (or the team) for creating the iPod and iTunes. Never again will I be stuck having to buy an entire album for just one song. (That's not entirely true because some albums like old Def Leppard are not available on iTunes.) But for the most part, I can download songs for .99-1.29. (What's with the recent price increase? Luckily for iTunes I'm too lazy to enter my credit card information at Walmart,where downloads are .94, so I'll pay the extra .35 per song.) If I want an entire album and I'm too impatient to order it or to drive to the store to get it, I can download it, and voila! I have it. (I also like to think that I'm helping the environment by reducing the amount of packaging.) And now that we have wireless, songs are downloaded in seconds. (It used to take like 20 minutes with dial up. Yeah, I want my life back.)
I also like that I can download television shows although I haven't figured out how to get it to stay on my iPod. (I don't know if this is a glitch because my iPod is formatted for Windows and my computer is a Mac.) For someone who only likes to watch television shows on DVD, it gives me the ultimate control.
God bless Apple. I would be lost without them.
My husband and I are total Netflix junkies because of our taste in movies. If you hook your computer through the TV you can watch the good stuff like Bye Bye Birdie and Westside Story immediately-no trip to the video store. They usually don't have what we want to watch anyway.
wendyb, at 3:34 PM
And the key word in that freewriting for you, I think, is control. (grin)
It sucks when life slips out of control. And for me, it's worse when someone I love has life slip out of control. Okay, I'm a little teary eyed now, but if there's anything I can do, let me know. I can cry just thinking about my dad being sick, and I'm not a huggy, emotional person.
If you need me to read any memoirs or anything else, I will be glad to do so. Just let me know. Seriously.
Donna Sewell, at 10:15 PM
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