Fall, trip, fall, autumn
I have been working with kids on looking for synonyms to use or to help understand their vocabulary words. So my immediate reaction was to think of words to help me focus my brain in a direction. Of course that is never an easy thing to do, and in my head is a space that most do not want to enter.
I saw Donna's reference to falling, as in herself. It reminded me of how klutzy I am. I had a job once where the manager when hiring would warn people that if they heard anyone yell, it was just "Diana." Last week I banged my right leg, you know right on the muscle and almost fell over. Should I have learnt by now to look where I am going? You would think, however, today I got the left leg. So tomorrow I will have another bruise, although I should be ble to walk normally again :-)
I had never heard this time of year called fall until I moved to the US. It took a while to get used to it. Autumn was what I was used to, and until the last couple of years it was not a term most people I came across were familiar with.
Autumn was not anymore a favorite season than others, but it was a time of year that makes me think of short days and longs night with fires burning and lights that pierced through the fog and gloom of the English afternoons.
Mornings would see us trudging through whatever weather had descended during the night. Still dark and bone chilling cold even at 8:30 in the morning. School was over at 3pm and it would not be too different to the morning. Still cold, and weather that had not changed. It would be getting dark again, and by 330-400 th e streetlamps would be coming on and cars headlights would be shining through the mist and drizzle that appeared to be a continuous issue no matter what.
Walking home, it was always cheery when passing a house where the windows were uncovered and a fire could be seen blazing. Just as relaxing were the days when I could look out of the window with the fire behind me while watching other people walking by and wishing they were home.
Fall isn't the same here. Trees still change, but walking around and home through dreary weather is a totally different experience to being in a vehicle where you can't see and smell the odors of wood burning, or the weather. Then there is the fact that daylight is longer, so the days even though I know it is that time of year do not seem right because there is too much light.
I saw Donna's reference to falling, as in herself. It reminded me of how klutzy I am. I had a job once where the manager when hiring would warn people that if they heard anyone yell, it was just "Diana." Last week I banged my right leg, you know right on the muscle and almost fell over. Should I have learnt by now to look where I am going? You would think, however, today I got the left leg. So tomorrow I will have another bruise, although I should be ble to walk normally again :-)
I had never heard this time of year called fall until I moved to the US. It took a while to get used to it. Autumn was what I was used to, and until the last couple of years it was not a term most people I came across were familiar with.
Autumn was not anymore a favorite season than others, but it was a time of year that makes me think of short days and longs night with fires burning and lights that pierced through the fog and gloom of the English afternoons.
Mornings would see us trudging through whatever weather had descended during the night. Still dark and bone chilling cold even at 8:30 in the morning. School was over at 3pm and it would not be too different to the morning. Still cold, and weather that had not changed. It would be getting dark again, and by 330-400 th e streetlamps would be coming on and cars headlights would be shining through the mist and drizzle that appeared to be a continuous issue no matter what.
Walking home, it was always cheery when passing a house where the windows were uncovered and a fire could be seen blazing. Just as relaxing were the days when I could look out of the window with the fire behind me while watching other people walking by and wishing they were home.
Fall isn't the same here. Trees still change, but walking around and home through dreary weather is a totally different experience to being in a vehicle where you can't see and smell the odors of wood burning, or the weather. Then there is the fact that daylight is longer, so the days even though I know it is that time of year do not seem right because there is too much light.
I think it would be interesting to enter your head for a while--actually, that's kind of what I think of the blog as: a quick trip through other people's minds. I almost laughed out loud when I read the comment about ignoring the yell because people automatically knew it was you. I've never thought of you as clumsy. It fascinates me to see my perceptions of others against their own perceptions.
Donna Sewell, at 6:19 PM
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