wild clicks
Well, I just wiped out what I wrote with one errant click. It was just rambling anyway. But, hey my food's here so—time out! Okay, I'm back. While I was away I let my mind wander on and off the topic. I scrolled through the past postings and snickered to myself as I misread some of the thoughts. The talk was on vacations and spring break. As my eyes scanned the notions, I stopped short at the one that I thought said "Freak Week for Teachers." What was really written was "Free Week for Teachers." I wonder what a freak week for teachers would be like. What do teachers do when they freak. I saw a show on "E" channel last night about wild spring breaks. I watched for about a half an hour, including, commercials, before I just got disgusted and changed the channel. At what point did our society decide that it was okay for college students to get so dangerously intoxicated? When did it become socially acceptable for girls to bump and grind, dry hump strangers, and display their breasts all while whooping and hollering? What ever happened to the notion of indecent exposure? Wet t-shirt contests, mud wrestling, and simulated sex acts. And where are their parents? With all of the publicity that these public exhibitions have generated, surely more than one or two moms or dads have recoginized their little "pride and joy" letting it all hang out.
There's blowing off a little steam after the rigors of academic work, but hasn't it gone over the top? If our future is truly in the hands of the youth, we're in a lot of trouble.
But for the time being....wooohoooo and a flash of the menopausal boobs to one and all! Commuicate this! Wooohooo. Spring Break whenever!
There's blowing off a little steam after the rigors of academic work, but hasn't it gone over the top? If our future is truly in the hands of the youth, we're in a lot of trouble.
But for the time being....wooohoooo and a flash of the menopausal boobs to one and all! Commuicate this! Wooohooo. Spring Break whenever!
Errant clicks suck! I would probably give up if everything were erased. I don't think I have much in the way of emotional reserves right now. Just too close to the edge.
Did you hear that comment from the server: "Vanilla ice cream is like a blank canvas." That's kind of cool.
Donna Sewell, at 7:13 PM
I'm pretty glad the flash of menopausal boobs was just metaphysical.
Donna Sewell, at 7:34 PM
Oops. I meant "metaphorical," not "metaphysical."
Donna Sewell, at 7:35 PM
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