New Topic--Too Busy to Breathe!
Ok folks, I'm getting a lonely feeling. Are any of you out there and just not posting? Now is the time to give me your excuses. Are you just too busy to breathe?
Write about all that you have to do and I promise I will listen and empathize. Joel take a minute to tell us how you are doing. Let us have baby news from the three moms. Let us here about all the crazy things your undergrads are doing in your classes. This is your chance to vent about all the extra stuff you're doing.
Write about all that you have to do and I promise I will listen and empathize. Joel take a minute to tell us how you are doing. Let us have baby news from the three moms. Let us here about all the crazy things your undergrads are doing in your classes. This is your chance to vent about all the extra stuff you're doing.
Too Busy to Breathe? Yes, definitely. Here's what I have been doing:
* completing the 2006-2007 budget for BWP
* completing the Annual Site Profile for BWP--I'll probably write something up about our past year's activities for the newsletter
* busting five students for plagiarism. I HATE, HATE, HATE doing that.
* trying to respond to fifty papers, grade fifty portfolios, grade twenty-five reading responses, and grade twenty-five critical essays (plus, participation grades for responding to each other's drafts), checking fifty notebooks
* helping Wes pack for a photography conference--I'm not at all used to his attending conferences while I stay home. I don't think I like it.
* planning attendance at the NWP Fall Meeting in November and negotiating workshop attendance with other teachers. I'm excited that we are taking the biggest leadership team in our history as a site. Yes! I can't wait to see what happens at BWP when we return.
* getting ready to turn in midterm grades; they're due this coming Friday, and I'm not close to being ready
* writing on the blog once a week
* writing three other notebook entries a week
* needing to prepare a quick welcome speech for the team leaders of the Faculty/Staff Campaign luncheon (I'm co-chairing that campaign this year, but that campaign puts at least $300 in BWP's Foundation account every year)
* feeling guilty because I desperately need to clean my house. Um, let me reword that: My house deperately needs to be cleaned; I do NOT desperately need to clean it.
* feeling guilty because I want to get a blog started for Wes Sewell Photography--I've started the blog (, but I haven't had a chance to post anything yet.
* needing to start a Christmas shopping list because the family shopping trip happens first weekend in October
* chairing a search committee to hire a composition teacher at VSU
* chairing another important departmental committee
* serving an another departmental committee
* serving on a University-wide committee
Um, I think that's it. I need a nap, a nap that lasts about three days. I'm looking forward to hearing from the rest of you.
Donna Sewell, at 3:57 PM
Too busy to breathe is a great way to put it! I will blog soon. Consumed with papers right now. :-/
Andrea, at 10:06 PM
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