New Topic--People You Hate that You Don't Know
Ok, I know I must be PMSing and I am going to totally screw up my karma, but my topic is people you hate that you don't know. You know those rude, seemingly unfeeling, stupid, self-centered people who piss you off.
I was already hot this morning and then I read about Sonya's trip to the doctor.
That did it! That doctor belongs in the same category and the McDonald's woman. The kids and I wanted to start the morning off having some fun. We went to McDonald's for pancakes. Since we have five in our family, they sent us to the second window--which, for those of you who are lucky enough not to have to go to McDonald's, is fast food pergatory; it is the place you pay for any sin you have committed by waiting forever for an order that you know is destined to be wrong. While I was sitting there, with Andy screaming he had to go pee and Allie bouncing around the front seat, playing with the knobs on the radio, a woman started blowing her horn at me. I don't know whether her car needs to enroll in Weight Watchers or what, but the big hog acted like she couldn't get around me, even though I had been passed by numerous SUV's. So, she laid on the horn. My choices were to leave without my $20.00 order, go around again and wait in the neverending line, or move up until I could no longer reach the window. All decisions were unpopular, but the last one won.
As I was opening the door and doing a back bend to get our order, which was by the way WRONG, the big hog pulled around me and gave me a dirty look. Now, I am fairly patient, but once I lose it, I really lose it. I had to use all the restraint I had to keep from jumping out of the car and pelting that stupid woman with cold pancakes--which they were--and sausages.
Usually, I take a deep breath and say, "Don't let anyone steal your joy," or "Don't let it get to you; the bad karma will come back on you double." This morning I ran out of breath and I wasn't in the good karma mode. My dream is to take these people and put them in one room with each other. I'd love to see that bloodless doctor in the same room with the McDonald's hog. I'd add the new teacher who when I complained about her student beating up on the other children on the playground, she casually responded, "Take him; I don't want him." (Infront of both of us.) Throw them in, lock the door, and let them ruin each other's lives and stay out of ours!!!
I think they should do that will death row prisoners, too. Why waist the taxpayers time and money. Let them elimate each other. And while we're at it, I can think of a few politicians I'd throw in that room, too. Want to declare war? You go first.
I was already hot this morning and then I read about Sonya's trip to the doctor.
That did it! That doctor belongs in the same category and the McDonald's woman. The kids and I wanted to start the morning off having some fun. We went to McDonald's for pancakes. Since we have five in our family, they sent us to the second window--which, for those of you who are lucky enough not to have to go to McDonald's, is fast food pergatory; it is the place you pay for any sin you have committed by waiting forever for an order that you know is destined to be wrong. While I was sitting there, with Andy screaming he had to go pee and Allie bouncing around the front seat, playing with the knobs on the radio, a woman started blowing her horn at me. I don't know whether her car needs to enroll in Weight Watchers or what, but the big hog acted like she couldn't get around me, even though I had been passed by numerous SUV's. So, she laid on the horn. My choices were to leave without my $20.00 order, go around again and wait in the neverending line, or move up until I could no longer reach the window. All decisions were unpopular, but the last one won.
As I was opening the door and doing a back bend to get our order, which was by the way WRONG, the big hog pulled around me and gave me a dirty look. Now, I am fairly patient, but once I lose it, I really lose it. I had to use all the restraint I had to keep from jumping out of the car and pelting that stupid woman with cold pancakes--which they were--and sausages.
Usually, I take a deep breath and say, "Don't let anyone steal your joy," or "Don't let it get to you; the bad karma will come back on you double." This morning I ran out of breath and I wasn't in the good karma mode. My dream is to take these people and put them in one room with each other. I'd love to see that bloodless doctor in the same room with the McDonald's hog. I'd add the new teacher who when I complained about her student beating up on the other children on the playground, she casually responded, "Take him; I don't want him." (Infront of both of us.) Throw them in, lock the door, and let them ruin each other's lives and stay out of ours!!!
I think they should do that will death row prisoners, too. Why waist the taxpayers time and money. Let them elimate each other. And while we're at it, I can think of a few politicians I'd throw in that room, too. Want to declare war? You go first.
I have a few people like this, as well. I try to be nice to people I have just met, but one girl this weekend royally pissed me off. She basically told me, a total stranger, that I needed to lose weight.
Andrea, at 1:44 PM
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