Dream Girl
Dreams and Nightmares:
- recurring dream: possum crossing the road and getting nailed by a car but surviving and dragging himself across the road--I haven't had this dream in six years, but I made the mistake of telling Wes about it, so now any time I jerk in bed, he says, "Seeing that possum again?"
- dream as a child about being cannibalized on the playground by a troll that lives in the woods--really vivid dream: red and white checked tablecloth, wicker picnic basket, me alive and relatively calm while the troll cuts open my stomach, my long brown hair splayed behind me
- dreams when I first fall asleep that focus on classes and encounters with students and colleagues--I'll wake myself (and Wes) up answering questions
- dream in Tallahassee that the air was polluted and that we would die from breathing it. I scared Wes by yelling at him (in my sleep) to stop breathing. He claims that he woke up to find me holding a pillow over his face, but I'm sure that didn't happen. (And if it did, it's probably because he wouldn't shut up about the damn possum dream.)
You had a Troll Bridge dream!
I may write about my weird dreams. I had a really, really bad one when I was about 8 or 9 that was so vivid I will never, ever be able to forget it.
I jerk in my sleep, too.
Andrea, at 9:16 AM
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