Lack of Communication....Between Educational Practices
Last year I did BWP. I loved it. I learned so much about writing and how to incorporate different strategies in my classroom. I learned how to reach learners on all levels. So many things that I forgot some and will have flashes of BWP brilliance from time to time.
This summer is not living up to last summer.
I'm currently in two different educational training courses and will complete another by the end of the summer. Some of the ideas are exactly the same, so why do I need to learn them twice? Others just flat don't make any sense.
What I deem a unit, the rest of the world does not. The wonderful ideas I get about making one paper lead into the next unit don't quite mesh with the GPS frameworks. Please don't misunderstand. My ideas match the standards perfectly. In fact, I got 11 standards in one unit. However my ideas on how to incorporate the standards isn't exactly what the state wants. The writing assignments I design are in context with the literature, which is something I'm pretty sure we discussed in BWP.
Did I mention that this unit I'm having to write needs to cover 6 weeks? SIX WEEKS! What unit needs to take 6 weeks in a block/semester schedule? There are four units within the frameworks of the GPS 10th grade lit/comp. That would be 24 weeks per the whole 10th grade cirriculum. I only have 18 weeks per semester.
I like designing my own units with my own ideas. If I am asking my students to create a variety of products amongst themselves, why shouldn't teachers be just as different?
This summer is not living up to last summer.
I'm currently in two different educational training courses and will complete another by the end of the summer. Some of the ideas are exactly the same, so why do I need to learn them twice? Others just flat don't make any sense.
What I deem a unit, the rest of the world does not. The wonderful ideas I get about making one paper lead into the next unit don't quite mesh with the GPS frameworks. Please don't misunderstand. My ideas match the standards perfectly. In fact, I got 11 standards in one unit. However my ideas on how to incorporate the standards isn't exactly what the state wants. The writing assignments I design are in context with the literature, which is something I'm pretty sure we discussed in BWP.
Did I mention that this unit I'm having to write needs to cover 6 weeks? SIX WEEKS! What unit needs to take 6 weeks in a block/semester schedule? There are four units within the frameworks of the GPS 10th grade lit/comp. That would be 24 weeks per the whole 10th grade cirriculum. I only have 18 weeks per semester.
I like designing my own units with my own ideas. If I am asking my students to create a variety of products amongst themselves, why shouldn't teachers be just as different?
Because it makes grading easier for the teachers to have everyone doing the same assignment?
I'm glad BWP was a bright spot for you. I've enjoyed running into you in the building and at Loco's. I hope we'll see you some more. If you weren't in classes, you could come hang out with us one day. Oh well . . . maybe next year? Or maybe closing ceremonies?
Donna Sewell, at 9:00 AM
I know the feeling, girl! BWP was almost overload... but I'm sure glad I was overloaded! I still think about some of the things we did and how I might be able to use them in my classroom... that is of course if I ever do get another teaching job! ;) Talk about feeling cheated... I feel like I had this HUGE, amazing opportunity last summer and that it's almost been wasted as I've not had my own classroom. It's a good thing I took such copious notes... I'll be re-reading my BWP portfolio and journal and handouts when I do land my next job!
Carrie Beth, at 11:59 AM
The educational world would be remiss without you Carrie Beth and I think the educational world knows that. It can feel it. You will be in the classroom soon.
Nikki, at 2:02 PM
So sweet, Nikki! ; )
Carrie Beth, at 3:14 PM
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